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Saturday, September 25, 2004

The Loser Bitch

Bitch: Person with an abrasive personality that demands a lot of people and life

Loser Bitch: Someone who continuously pisses off friends due to their abrasive personality and their bitterness.

Do any of these descriptions even sound like you? They might or might not. The point is that their is a very subtle difference between the two types of people. Bitches, as annoying as they might be add something to the world. They call people out when others would not imagine such a thing. They make people sit straight and recognize that they suck at life. A lot of people need to be told that they are doing a bad job at something (i.e. living, dressing, work) so they can improve. Of course their regular friend's aren't going to be harsh. So these people need a Bitch to set them straight. The Bitch will target anyone if they are doing a poor job.

But along with the Bitch their are people who call people out but for another reason. The Loser Bitch calls people out or acts in an abrasive manner because she or he is bitter about some aspect of her life. So the Loser Bitch will call people out to make herself feel better, briefly, before they go home and realize how sad they really are. The Loser Bitch targets just about everyone but especially those that she believes are better off in some way - better looking, smarter, etc.

While the Bitch can make a good friend - she calls you out when you need it - the Loser Btich should not be tolerated. The Loser Bitch may call you out but not because they genuinely cares as much as they feel inadequate about something in their own life. The calling out benefits them, not you. Calling you out makes the Loser Bitch feel better about themselves.

The other thing about the Loser Bitch is that they are often hated within their friend circle. Their friends constantly talk behind the LB's back and bond on how much of a Loser Bitch the LB is. The LB may eventually become saavy to this ridicule and take action. This of course further annoys the friend group since it is never fun when a loser fights back, bitch or no bitch. It is not empowering when the LB fights back mostly because they will just find more people to hate on.

There is nothing much you can say or do to a genuine Bitch. In fact you shouldn't do much of anything. Although if you are sensitive you may want to at least mention this to the Bitch. They probably won't care but at least when they recieve the bitch slap they deserve they won't be too suprised.

The Loser Bitch on the other hand can benefit from being told that they are an LB. This may make the LB rethink how they interact with others and tone down their bitterness. You might suggest they take a yoga class or start drinking green tea to remove their loserness.

Don't feel too bad if you suspect yourself of being a LB. I was one. Senior year in high school I was a MAJOR LB. I hated high school, I hated the social scene, and I let everyone know it. I thought I was doing a service to people by telling them how stupid I thought they were or acted. I finally realized that I was mainly a LB because I felt I did not fit in. It made me feel better about myself to put people down. It made me feel smarter. Until I realized that I was trying to live above my age. I was looking at high schoolers as retards who needed to realize that there was much more in the world than social cliques and politics of high school clubs. I finally came to understand one day that always trying to live above your social scene is exhausting and unfufilling. You might gain joy from thinking others are clueless and inferior, but in reallity, they're having a blast with life and you are not. You'll get older, its inevitable. So enjoy your situation while it lasts. Live with the good in life and also recognize the bad. No one should as any kind of bitch to conform. But one can ask a bitch to stop being a bitter old hag.



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