A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Womb

On more and more days, the thought of my leaving my room seems so damn unappealing. I dont even enjoy venturing out to the rest of the apartment. I just like my room. This may sound awfully weird for someone who loves her friends and loves to be entertained by them, but I just had a thought.

I once read somewhere that the theory of introvert vs. extrovert is that introverts had a rough childhood and thus, learned how to keep to themselves and handle their own problems. I've always known that I am an introvert, but this room business is making me believe the aformentioned theory more and more.

Maybe, introverts had it so rough that we try to recreate the one time when things were great - being in the womb. My room is nice and warm b/c I have my space heater blasting. My bed is nice and big and comfy. And my bed pretty much doubles as my desk so I can reach everything I need.

Ok, I know I'm sounding like a 35 year old obese woman who can't leave her house but really. Med school is getting tougher and tougher, and its getting harder to handle the little bumps in life with all the stress that is already accumulated. So I think now I just long for the days where all I had to do was float around and sleep. Everything else was taken care of....



Blogger Rex said...

Here's an inspiring thought:

Perhaps your love for staying in bed is proof of how much you love your life and your work. The only reason I ever get out of bed is because I don't want to create traumatic associations (=work) that would ruin the pleasant sleeping/watching TV experience for me. I think it's nice that you're able to make a nice comfort zone for youself without tainting it.

4:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just make sure your distaste for the outside world doesn't translate to fear of the outside world. Otherwise, pretty soon you'll have to train Max to go out and get the mail for you, and he might be inclined to just eat it instead.

8:38 AM  

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