A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pulling at straws here!

You know, its weird. For a good 3+ years a particular interest of mine was relationships. Mostly romantic relationships - the psychology of it all, but in general interpersonal relationships of different sorts. And for the time that my blog has been up here, that's what I've mostly talked about - meeting people, casual dating and its turmoil and the fun parts.

But now that I'm in a stable relationship, I've got nothin. I mean I could post about the random times I go to bars and the funny stories. Like the time I went to bar review and this one student said, "Meeting a girl that's in medical school is like finding out about an IPO. You don't want to make too much noise, because then everyone else will be all over it, but it gets you really excited. You put on the moves, make that investment, and in ten years, BAM! You've hit the jackpot." I thought his comments were funny in and of itself but then I learned what an IPO was and then it was REALLY funny.

But even that stuff I don't have the motivation to publish. And since all I'm doing is studying all the time or doing something else pretty boring, I'm left with.. well, not much. I could keep talking about my relationship ad naseum but I can't stand girls who do that. I could talk about what I learn in med school, but then you guys would just fall asleep at the keyboard.

So in the end, I haven't figured out what I'll write about anymore. But you've been warned, it may not be as interesting as the stuff from a while back. And if you never liked the stuff from a while back, glad to know I'll be disappointing you in the future as well :)

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Blogger Kel The Younger said...

IPO = Initial Public Offering. :-)

OMG - what an awful joke about finding a med student. You're right - it's just a joke, but I totally would have gone at it with someone if they said something like that. I think, sadly, it's actually true for a lot of people. Person A is crazy about Person B, and Person B likes the high income potential of Person A. I think I'm going to tell people I'm a janitor at MIT when they ask about my career. Then at least when a girl falls for me, she won't be falling for my pocketbook!

Even if your love life has settled down, keep us posted on random happenings. I'll e-mail a little post a med student I know made, just to illustrate how full even a brief passage can be. I'm sure new material will grace you now and then. :-)

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should keep writing about middle school type bullshit. We love to hate it - or hate to love it - or something

9:14 AM  

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