A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Stop me if I'm being crazy.. no really

Bitch for no reason

Most of the time I sit in the back of class. Not only does it reduce the amount of interaction I have to have with people, but if a lecture is truly atrocious, I can up and leave without feeling too bad. I thought sitting in the back also had the added benefit of not drawing too much attention to myself (I realize that this is not the case after a 2nd year approached me and said, "So Bang, word on the street is that your low-rise jeans have been making it a little difficult to concentrate." I explained to him that A. I sit in the back of most classes, so who in the hell is looking at my ass from there? and B. Sadly they're not low-rise jeans. A lot of my jeans are too big for me after random weight loss.) But I digress. So in a particular class I like sitting in the back two seats b/c people usually don't come back there AND there is usually a cart in front of the 2nd seat, which obscures most people's view. That hasn't stopped people from sitting back there next to me in the past. So this time around, since the cart, my defense mechanism, was missing, I put my bag in the second seat AND put a book on the desk to make it appear that someone else was sitting there. Ok, some may think wow, "you're an antisocial bitch." And I'd respond, "yeah i know. I dont know why though." This fake student thing worked for a couple of days until the class was packed b/c there was a review session. One student walked in and looked at the seat for a second as if to signal me to move my stuff. But I didn't. So instead she had to sit in a free wheeling seat and write on her lap. I didn't care at first. But halfway through the class I felt bad. Why was I being so obnoxious? Why didn't I just move my stuff? Its not like she was going to give me ebola. But by that time it was too late to move my stuff and ask if the girl wanted to sit, b/c then I'd be acknowledging my immaturity. So at the end of class I slyly grabbed my stuff and booked it. Not that she didn't notice that it was my stuff that kept her from sitting comfortably all along. But I really wanted to avoid any awkward staring contests.

Stop spending money on me

So in another blog post I'll go more into this, but for now suffice it to say that my bf doesn't have much in the way of funds these days. He quit his job to build a house. He then planned to sell it and make a profit that would allow him to pay himself a salary more than he was making at his last job, with the added bonus of being able to work for himself. Great plan I guess.. until he realized he needed to put in a lot more ground work to get this house building thing started. Moreover, in the middle of this he has decided that he might want to go to grad school, but since he's not sure which one, he's going to take 3 tests and apply to 3 different types of programs. Um ok, whatever, his choice. The point is, he's not going to see a profit on his venture for a while and in the meantime has to live off his savings. This is fine, except, since I know he's not making big bucks, I've tried to chip in for stuff here and there. If we go out to eat, I try to pay. If we go out to get a drink, I try to pay. Pretty much, any activity that costs money, I've tried to pay my half so that he wouldn't shoulder more burden than he needs. But the thing is, he won't let me pay! Ok, I know, I know, some might wonder, "and you're complaining?" Yes, I know that in the past I've argued as to why men should pay for a lot of stuff. But at the same time I just feel bad. Like I almost feel like a freeloader. And most importantly, I don't want him to resent me for paying for all this stuff when he's not the most financially stable. I mean if he had a regular job and was making good money, I wouldn't mind. But this is just making me feel (kinda) bad. The only way I've come up with to not feel so bad is to get him a really good gift. Problem is I don't know what he wants besides a new car (that he doesn't need) and some kind of graduate degree. I can give neither of these things to him. But lord knows I suck at gift giving. (Track record: Valentine's Day - I gave him a microwaved breakfast, he gave me an ipod. His birthday - I gave him a t-shirt, which I almost kept. My birthday - he gave me a stereo - ok the birthday's aren't really fair b/c we were broken up during his).

But yeah, maybe a rock will hit my head tomorrow (actually I really hope not) and I'll wake up from my insanity. Forecast looks cloudy...

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