A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Am I selling out?

Starting today I officially work for Abercrombie & Fitch. Oh yes, the infamous company that is racist, sexist, and promotes skankiness in the youngest of American children (thongs for 12 year olds? sigh..) So with all of this, why did I agree to work for A & F? Well my initial motivation came after a friend said that during their group interviews they purposely weed unattractive people out. They tell them that hiring is extremely competitive and they try not to give them an application. A sick desire of mine wanted to see if it would happen to me. I mean I don't think I'm unattractive, but A&F is supposed to be particularly bad and only hire extremely attractive blonde hair, blue eyed surfer guys and chicks. So I walk up to the register and ask the woman behind it if I could have an application. She says that they have group interviews on certain days and they give the applications out then. She ejects some paper from the register and says that I should write my name and number on it and that they would call me to remind me. She then asks if I will be able to make it and I tell her I would come the following day. She shakes my hand and introduces herself. I say thank you and walk away..

Walking back to the car I think to myself, am I really going to do this?! My friend reaffirms how everyone in the store that day was blonde and gorgeous and I'm like wow, am I really going to set myself up for disappointment. I go back home and decide to fill out the 8 applications I picked up while at the mall. It took FOREVER!

The following day I say to myself, what the fuck, I'm going to do it. I'm going to go to this interview and see what its like. I guess secretly I just wanted affirmation that I was attractive enough to work for A&F. I get to the store and ask an associate about the group interview. She looks at me and says "Do I know you? You look so familiar." After a minute or two, we still cannot figure it out and she points me in the way of a manager. I walk up to the manager and sure enough she is a petite, gorgeous blonde. She tells me that she is going to grab some apps and that I should sit on the couches in another room.

The manager comes out and takes the six of us outside to conduct the group interview after filling out an app. I look around me and sure enough the applicants are all attractive, young individuals, all in college, and "just love A&F clothing." We get asked a bunch of random questions. The manager is unbelievably informal, a quintessential Californian - chill, laid back, cursing, the whole nine. I'm like wow, that's pretty damn cool. At the end of the interview we are told that we will be notified by the next day if we got the position or not.

I figure to myself, whatever, if I don't get picked its not because I'm unattractive. I guess in the grand scheme I may not fit the A&F "mold" or type. Lo and behold the following day I received a call from one of the managers saying that they would like to offer me a position. I say yes and I am to report to orientation the following morning.

Now I don't know what my experience with the company is going to be. Everything seems to be cool now, but maybe someone will offend me because I'm a minority, or be insensitive. I don't know. I do hope for the best though. The working environment is extremely laid back and its nice to be able to wear jeans to work :)


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