A day in the life of the Bang

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Location: California, United States

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Talkin Shit

Its a funny thing how much shit people probably talk about their own friends. "Who needs enemies when you've got friends.." or family for that matter. In general, talking shit isn't an awful thing to do, especially when you're talking shit about good friends. You don't hate them, they just do stupid things.. at times. It's all harmless.. unless someone breaks the friend code and tells the other friend that you've been talking shit about them. Oh that's no good. That ruins everything!

I mean come on. Its fun to talk about your friends, and it makes sense. Who else would you talk shit about? Celebrities? Ok that's kind of funny. Strangers? You don't know shit about them. I mean you can talk about their appearance but that's so superficial. I mean you know so much about your friends that you have ample fodder for shit talking. Plus talking about your friends gives you some relief. Maybe you're jealous of your friend that looks better than you, gets more attention, gets better grades.. so to feel better about yourself you're going to tell another friend about how ugly you think your friend's wardrobe is, or even deeper, how she confided in you that she has issues about being beat by brooms as a kid so now she makes her boyfriend slap her on her ass with a broom before they get it on.. Or say your friend is planning on doing something you think is just stupid. Instead of trying to take control of your own life, it probably helps to talk to someone else about how you can't understand why anyone would ever do what your friend is about to do and put your two cents in about why your friends life is going to suck. You're not giving the advice to the friend but giving the advice while talking to someone else makes you feel so intelligent and above idiocy.. regardless of the mistake you seem to keep making in your life.

Haha, talking shit is great, its natural. What's not natural is having someone tell everyone how much shit you've been talking about them. That's just unfair; especially because we all do it. Say you've been criticizing a good friend behind their back and then someone tells them that. This person is going to feel hurt. How could that bitch do that to me? We're friends!

Well of course you're friends. That's why they didn't tell it to your face! I guess talking shit is also a better alternative to telling people what your really think which is bound to hurt their feelings. I read once in Psychology Today that things like jealousy and envy are natural human feelings because they are evolutionary advantageous. The logic goes, you see your next door neighbor doing better than you are. This makes you envious or jealous and stirs up the urge for you to do as well as they are doing or even better. This way you keep up with society, don't get relegated to the outskirts, and get to (drum roll please) spread your seed/have babies.

So all I'm sayin is, if you find out that your friend has been saying such and such about you, don't get mad. Well ok, get mad, its natural. But before you call them up to confront them and curse them out, first think that it's likely that that person is envious of something you have. But if you are truly doing something retarded, then they aren't envious, you're just retarded and they didn't want to be mean.. to your face! And isn't that what friends are for? People who are nice to you regardless of the fact that everyone else thinks you're a bitch? Yup yup, good ol' friends :-D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually *asked* everyone to talk shit about me to my face once - it's on an old Xanga post. One person actually responded too. She really unloaded on me, and I was glad. How else will I know my flaws, and who knows you better than friends? I think most people should be OK hearing people tell them their flaws (just once anyway) because then we can be better people. Also, a lot of what she said was stuff I already knew - doesn't everyone pretty much know their flaws? Ha! Anyway, you should know I talk shit about you less than about most other people [pats Else on back] Hehe! Take care Kiddo!

~ Jon

5:19 PM  

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