A day in the life of the Bang

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Men Advertise, Women Flirt

Even though its already established that "Dr." John Gray is a phony, I must say that there are some gems in his work on the dating behaviors of men and women. He has a chapter called "Men Advertise, Women Flirt." I never really read it until I noticed a strange male behavior.

Ever been in a situation where a guy is relentlessly hitting on you and instead of asking you much about yourself, you know as to actually engage you in conversation, the guy just talks and talks and talks ad naseum about himself. "And then I went on this beautiful hiking trip in the himilayas and had a soul awakening experience, and thought my god, everyone should do this. I mean I I I I I I I I.." Usually the woman's left staring either into space or into the guy's mouth wondering if those are really his teeth or if they're caps.

After reading this chapter of the book though, in understanding the reason for this retarded behavior, I now accept the retardedness of it. As providers men advertise how much they can provide in an attempt to woo a women. The whole point of dates right? Let me take you to this place and purchase expensive food for you so you can see how much and how well I can provide for you and our future offspring... something like that. Let me tell you about my impeccable character. Let me demonstrate how funny I am. Are you chilly? Let me warm you with the heat emanating from my bosom. Oh you don't want me to touch you? Here is my coat. Now will you agree to produce my offspring?

So in conclusion, if a guy's babbling on about himself he's either A.) Just an annoying, egotistical, prick or B.) its a good sign that he likes you and wants you to know how good he can be to you and your nonexistent offspring.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh Elsie, you've really outdone yourself. I agree with you entirely on this; I have actually sat through an entire date where I said not one word between "Nice to meet you" and "I'll call you." I give it an A ++.

-- Kate

10:22 PM  
Blogger Lilly and Willow said...

This is a hilarious and right on the money post. Guys are totally all about themselves, like peacocks!!!

11:57 PM  
Blogger The Grave Digger said...

Are you interested in v1a_6ra or cia1i5? What about a unique opportunity to give a man from a foreign land the chance to come to the United States and save his sister's life? Do you want to meet naughty little eyehartCheer69 in a chat room?
NO!!! You want to date me!
Inquire within.

12:20 PM  

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