A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Friday, August 12, 2005


My current project for work is to write a paper on the economic burden of alcohole abuse and dependence. I'm annoyed b/c I have to use my brain to do other things besides studying for the MCAT but a friend pointed out that her task at work was to match codes on an excel sheet all day. I guess writing a paper is "more interesting" but still not something I want to be doing right now.

ANYWAY, so in learning all these statistics of the problems that alcohol abuse and dependence bring (yes abuse is different from dependence..murr) I thought, oh how sad. I wish these people could just get there lives together. Kind of how I look at smokers. I mean doesn't it seem a little silly to them that they have to all huddle near a building when its ass cold outside and raining just so they can get a few puffs of a cig?

Then I thought hey! I'll have to take responsibility for my addictions too. So with my head in my hands I must admit that I, the Bang, am addicted to swedish fish. Yes! It's true! At my current rate I'm eating about one pack a day! How gross! I just can't stop myself, even though I know if I continue I'm going to give myself diabetes! Not only that but I get these huge headaches from the sugar rush. But I can't stop! I have to satisfy the craving... Man, having an addiction is HARD. Thank god mine is only to candy. Although now I know NEVER to use illicit drugs as I might just develop a craving for them too..

So for those of you who look down on addicts, be kind. It's not our faults. We've tried to break the cycle on our own, but we just can't. We need you to be understanding and helpful instead of condescending and hateful. I'll be checking myself into a rehab clinic on the 1st of never.. :)



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