A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Friday, October 21, 2005

Winning the War

Ok, so some of you might think I'm lame b/c its a Friday night and I'm blogging. That's ok. I know I have a social life and thats all that matters :) Anyway, so folks, I thought it would be best to report that yet again, I kicked the crap out of Mr. Protege. Now for once and for all I can move the HELL on! How'd this happen you ask? Well let me start off with some brief background.

Mr. Protege of course is the guy who I must have met about 6 months ago at some bar in SF. I never took it seriously and if you told me then that in 6 months I'd still be talking about him I would have called you silly. But alas.. after 2 months of back and forth talking on the phone but never meeting up b/c of stubbornness, we finally met up - at which point he became putty in my hands. That was when I won the first battle and he called spewing out all his feelings like a drunk idiot. It was amusing :) But of course, I have a life.. sometimes.. and I didn't give him 'enough' attention. More than that, when he tried to kiss me one night when he was near drunk and I was dead sober, I declined. That started the month long silent treatment on his part. Then slowly the "enemy" started to creep back into my life. But! The enemy was too insecure to really take control of the situation and be up front about anything. So we met up once at my provocation. He continued to txt, and only call after he had a "few" to drink. Finally he went in for the kill! Of course in the most wimpy way ever.. asking if I ever wanted to hook up with him.. over txt. After weeks of back and forth, I decided to make my major move... in txt.. not b/c I'm a wimp but no need to frighten the child.

Me: "R we ever going to hang out or do you enjoy pussy-footing around?"
Him: "The latter b/c you are rude and mean"
Me: "IM rude and mean? R u serious?"
Him: "Yes."
Him: "I am vulgar..not mean"
Me: "How am I mean?"
Me: "Actually, forget it. Point taken. Thanks.."
Him: "Cool"

So at first you might look at this conversation and think, how is that a victory? Well my friend, this conversation only gives pure evidence to mounting suspicions that Mr. Protege is really an insecure child who ultimately can't take someone giving him what he dishes out. I get to walk away laughing at how ridiculous this is. And he get to be annoyed (probably for only 2 seconds) about the way I treated him.

And let me clarify that I did not fight this "war" on purpose. I just refused to do anything I didnt want to do or succumb to the whims of a guy who walked around like his ish didn't stink. And in the end he gets a reality check. I think its the way of the world. We enter each others lives to teach one another a lesson or two. We can either take heed or wander about with blinders on only to end up ultimately dissatisfied with our lives b/c we never decided to grow the hell up!

Now on to bigger and better things. Like moving..again! But this time to a cleaner, more fun neighborhood, AND Max will get a dog friend to play with!

G'night folks!


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