A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I can't believe I SAID THAT!

Grooaaannn. As I woke up this morning I had flashbacks to the night before where I had one, maybe two, glass(es) of wine too many. I was drinking with my female roommate. My ex, was doing lord knows what, but by the time he got back I was druunk. My female roommate, who will be called, Arizona, drunk dialed her ex and ran into her room and my ex and I had an argument as to whether you can be at the top of your field and be a good parent at the same time. I said no. There involves some sacrifice. Either you're at the top of your field and your husband or wife tends to the kids or you wait for them to be grown up enough to not need your guidance as much and then do as you please. My roommate/ex predictably wanted to win the argument by saying "look at me!" that didnt happen to me! I raised the point that he grew up on a farm and that was the one exception. Children raised in the woods, today at least, I'd argue have a better chance of growing up normal than children raised in the mainstream, with all your MTV and celebrity gossip, etc.

Anyway none of this is really the point. After Arizona finished drunk dialing her ex she came back out to chat. My other roommate had already gone to bed. As I was chatting with Arizona, and finishing my last glass of wine I decided it would be hilarious if I went into my roommates room and threw water in his face. Why did I think it would be funny? Lord knows why, but I was drunk and I was sure hilarity was to ensue. During a lull in the conversation I told Arizona my plan and she tried to convince me not to do it. Too late! I ran in the kitchen rinsed out my wine glass, ran to my other roommate's room, woke him up in a panic, threw water in his face, laughed my head off and ran away.

He then came out of his room drenched, me still laughing, Arizona laughing as well. As soon as Arizona went back into her room my other roommate yelled over for me to look at him and then pulled his boxers down and said "hey laugh at this." Ugh! Whatever. I kept laughing and before I knew it he was naked and trying to pull me onto his bed. At some point I yelled "You look Grecian! You know, when they're naked and playing the olympics!" And then I ran off.

I finally decided the fun needed to come to an end before my ex/roommate got the wrong idea (whoops, too late). I went to my room and was preparing for bed when he walked in, I apologized for throwing water on him and he grabbed a pillow from my bed since his were both wet. Fair enough. He left, I turned off my lights and tried to fall into drunken la-la land. That is until my roommate came BACK into my room and tried to make out with me.. ok well did. I pulled myself away from him and that is when I said my famous last words - "I miss you as a boyfriend but I'm ok with being friends with you." His response? I don't remember but the conversation to follow was disjointed and sounded like - him: but you threw water on me! me: if your best friend threw water on you, you wouldnt be in his room trying to make out with him! him: true. well we can't make out? me: ew, no! don't worry i'll be gone in a month. it wont be awkward.

Ugh, ok, so why the HELL did I say I missed him as a boyfriend? How much more of myself do I need to share with someone who doesn't care before I feel like jumping off a bridge? I'm at least glad it happened after I made the decision in my head to forgive myself in the relationship department. Yeah I'm young, I'm going to do stupid stuff and say stupid things, whatcha gonna do?

In any case, I'm quite proud of myself for not hooking up w/ him even while under the influence. At least I know for sure I'm D-O-N-E.

Plus I made my ex/roommate go pick up boxes for me this morning as payback for trying to take advantage of a drunk ex.. thats just... low.. and consequently all my romantic feelings for him have been shut OFF. Good times..


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