A day in the life of the Bang

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Location: California, United States

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Why? I don't know

I don't know why med school is forcing me to undergo a constant autopsy of my emotions these days, but it is. I was talking to a friend about much of nothing today when he asked how my day went. I had nothing much to say so I asked him a random question - Do you think guys and girls face different consequences of mean or antisocial behavior? He said yes, and asked what prompted the question. I told him the story of how today, one of my few friends at school, though he is just as antisocial as me, or maybe even more so since he chooses not to come to class b/c of how annoying he finds the class as a whole to be (and b/c its easier to just watch the lectures online), anyway, yesterday was his birthday. When someone asked why he didn't tell anyone he simply answered, "I don't care" and walked away. And all of a sudden, today a group of people bought him a cake, sang for him, talked about how much they loved him.. and I was just simply confused. How is it that both of us can exhibit the same behavior, yet he gets a cake!

My friend brought up a good point. "Is he single?" my friend asked. I responded, "Yeah, but he's gay." "Even better," my friend said. Now I was puzzled. My friend continued to say, "Bang, even though your hot (whatever), in their eyes you're an angry, black female who is antisocial and mean. Your friend on the other hand is just simply viewed as an attractive, non-threatening, male."

Interesting.. Can't say this is the first time I've gotten the "mean black girl thing." A few people told me that no one in my sophomore dorm attempted to be friends with me because A.) They thought I only talked to black people (don't know where in the hell this assumption came from since the majority of the people in the sorority I was apart of were not black) and B.) They thought I was a bitch and that I would be mean to them.

At the time, although I was taken aback by those assumptions - I was pretty nice back then - I didn't see the point in changing anything. I'm most comfortable being ME; the me that doesn't fake it, but if you need help I'll try my best.

But I'm starting to think I do need to soften the blow these days. While I still don't believe in pretending to like anyone if I don't, it might be a good thing to stop making comments about people, whether out-loud (accidently) or privately with friends. Because people talk. And I'm sure someone has told someone else, that I said something, about whomever.

None of my attempts to change will be in hopes of getting a cake on my birthday though. A.) I refused to send an email to the "birthday master" as to when it is and B.) I'm planning on being absent. Its my birthday. I don't want to have to endure irritations of biblical porportions like I do everyday on my birthday.

Now I just have to plan what to do that weekend... a trip out of state sounds nice :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. i LOVE this. why didn't you sign up to write the official first years' blogs on the school's website. (btw, i've read some of those, and i'm like, ugh, puke, please.) but anyway, you're awesome, and i can't think of anyone who would think you're mean or a bitch. well, unless they deserve to be treated meanly. i mean, i was the scaredest wittle frosh/soph, and we became fast friends. so... screw them. and tell me what you're up to for your birthday!!

i guess that didn't help with your softening the blow strategy... but... YOU'RE AWESOME, and don't let no fool tell you otherwise.

12:53 AM  
Blogger Rex said...

I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that people thought I was black enough to talk to you. Success!

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people seriously said that stuff about sophomore year? i find the "you only like/talk to black people" part especially weird since you had me and Dorothy as roommates! people are so strange.


1:03 PM  
Blogger Kel The Younger said...

How ironic. I myself only talk to black people... OK, that's not true. But I have like two white friends, and the rest are minority. However people classify me, at least it's not as a "good ol' boy." And speaking of race, I always thought the singer Dido was black. WTF? Have I brought this up before? Dido is the name of the *African* queen whom the hero falls for in The Aeneid. He didn't fall for a white British girl (esp since that would be rather, uh, anachronistic...ooooh! Audience gasps at Kel's command of big GRE words!) I digress.

Anyway, whether sexual in nature or not, there is a definite need for people to go for the underdog. You come across as quite sure of and comfortable with yourself. That doesn't exude "show me love and sympathy" to passers by. It's not to say that anyone hates you - it just might be that they're like, "Well, she doesn't need it." Moreover, I agree that you certainly have physical appeal. I think people see you - whether you're black, white, or some shade of cyan - and they see an attractive confident med student. Don't take this the wrong way, but I would not bake a cake for an attractive confident med student. I'd be thinking, "She's gonna think I'm an idiot..." I think it's human nature.

Gay people - there's always something to gossip about with them. I read that the guy on Grey's Anatomy recently came out about being gay. Sad that they should have to "come out" and make a press conference out of it. I should "come out" and let people know I'm straight. I'll go on the CBS Evening News and tell everyone, "Yes, I do in fact really like women. No, no, I mean I really *like* women! [wink wink]" :-p

Take care Black Beauty. (You bitch.) I kid I kid!!! :-D

8:00 PM  

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