A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Did that just happen?

This is the question a friend and I had to ask ourselves last night after he almost got into a fight over something ridiculously petty. My boyfriend swears he'll never go to a doctor educated at my med school "all you guys do is party and fight, you're like a high school football team from texas." After last night, I'm not sure that I'd blame him for his thoughts.

Last night the student medical association decided to throw a New Years party. That's right, a new years party in... November. After my little sis pointed out that the party did offer free champagne, I figured, what the hey, I'll go.

Everything was fine for most of the night. I got to hang w/ my little sis from college and one of the few people I actually like in my class came since he lives so close to where the party was being held. Everyone was passing around cheap Andres champagne (o.k. maybe if I had known it was going to be Andres I wouldnt have gone.. they couldn't even pitch in for Korbels??)

Before long, the party seemed to be getting a little lame. Though the theme was supposed to get people to make out during the "New Years countdown" held every 30 minutes (yea obnoxious) A.) There is no one in my class or in the entire med school for that matter that I want to put my lips on and B.) I have a bf, and thats just sketch. Given this boredom my friend and I and his friend were making fun of all the socially awkward people who were passing an innertube balloon around (oh yes, they only bought 1 zero balloon so instead of 2007 there was just "0") and danced w/ it around their hips. At first we just thought it was lame, but after people kept putting it on and bumping into me I felt the balloon had to die. I asked someone for the balloon and between the three of us, some how the balloon died... oh well.. whatever. Now we can stop acting like children and stop being awkward... or so I thought.

A good 2 hours after the balloon incident one of the party planners walked up to my friend and I and said, "I heard one of you guys destroyed my innertube balloon." My friend and I looked extremely puzzled b/c the event had happened hours ago and... um.. who cares that much about a balloon? I was sober enough to see that the party planner was pissed. My friend on the other hand was wasted and thought it was a complete joke. All of a sudden the party planner started yelling and pointing at my friend "You came to a FREE party, something you didn't pay money for, and DESTROYED property. What gives you the right?" Then the party planner started poking my friend to which my friend told him "You don't know me, don't touch me." To which the party planner responded with, "Do you know who I am? Do you KNOW who I am?" By that point my friend was pissed and told the guy that if he really had qualms over his stupid balloon they could take it outside. Of course women jumped in and tried to calm everyone down. I don't know why I jumped in between the two since if a punch was thrown I would have been done!

After some friends escorted crazy balloon guy out, my friend and I were left puzzled. Firstly my friend was a division I A collegiate wrestler for 5 years. Secondly, we did pay for the party, the dues for the student medical association are payed by, guess who? us med students. Thirdly, a balloon??? A friggin balloon? Yes it was probably immature to even pop the stupid thing, we should have just taken it outside and accidently let go of it, or better yet, we should have just left the party, but honestly, to start a fight over a BALLOON? This guy folks will be operating one people one day... sheesh.

I guess it all goes back to the phenomenon of shows like Grey's Anatomy. A part of the appeal of these shows is that you get to see the more "interesting" parts of a Dr's life. And while many get wrapped into the drama, I'm sure most would at least not want to know about the personal lives of their own doctors. I mean many people can separate profession from personal life, but I'm sorry, I don't want someone operating on me who might bust out in tears if the attending she has a crush on walks into the operating room.

But seriously, whoever called med school middle school, was right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOLY COW. Seriously? Wow. I guess I missed out on all that stuff. I can't believe you stayed that long, though. But yeah, maybe all grad school is like middle school; after all, some of these people haven't had a social life since elementary school. At least, that's what it seems like, talking to you and Rex.

8:44 PM  
Blogger GyangBang said...

yeah, i can't believe i stayed that long either. i think i was sensing some drama and wanted to stay to see it come to fruition. little did i know that I'D be involved in it.

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who knew? and over a stupid helium filled, flacid "0". by the way, i keep on forgetting this, but i DID actually get you chocolate from switzerland. remind me if i forget again!

10:33 PM  
Blogger Kel The Younger said...

I dunno - judging by the many other denizens I met at that school, can I really say I'm surprised? OK OK, it's still surprising. I think it's more than those folks not having a social life - it's that they have *no* other life. They don't have an out, something other than school with which to relax (be it a lover, children, a hobby, or just organizing their apartment).

It's too bad we can never know when something is going to decay into these situations. Did you see the little video that one of your former drawmates' sister made? It's an animation with a balloon in it. You could have really seriously said, "No, we didn't destroy your balloon. Come here..." Then load the animation and inform the planner that the balloon is safely floating around in cyberspace. :-)

By the way, it should be noted (with great sarcasm) that there is in fact a shortage of helium in the country. How dare you waste helium like that!!

Oh man, I got a good laugh out of your story. Again I say forget med school - you could write sitcoms. :-)

5:12 PM  

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