A day in the life of the Bang

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Location: California, United States

Sunday, February 18, 2007

3 Types of Guys

I sort of hate giving advice. Because if it doesnt work for someone then I feel like a screw up. And there are so many different situations in the world, how can you use wide sweeping generalizations for a specific situation? Well my mom would say that all men are the same on some basic level so generalizations are ok in that sense.

Recently a friend I haven't talked to in like forever! got back in contact with me and its been great catching up with her. She's currently going crazy over a particular guy and she asked me about it today. "Should I text him or should I wait?" I told her to wait even though they hadn't seen each other in about a week + a couple of days. He sent her a short note on v-day and that was it. And now she's flipping out!

Understandable.. God it gave me flashbacks of my whole experience w/ my current boyfriend and those were some stressful ass times. So I was giving her advice from what I had learned in my own experiences.

She then mentioned that her friends had met guys around the same time she did and those guys were all over them. And then it dawned on me, I know about 3 types of guys in particular b/c I had to deal with them in succession. So I figured if I put down my thoughts I could better help her sort out her situation. I can't do it all at once, b/c I have a lot of other things that need to get done, but I thought I'd at least start.

The 1st guy - Adam AKA Mr. Protege - Total sleaze ball
1.) Called sometimes.. mostly on the weekends when he was out partying. Also called while sitting in traffic
- texted a lot
- probably had a girlfriend who he called a "friend"
- his pursuit increased greatly when he figured out I wasn't an easy catch
- went on 2 dates in 8 months
- saw him on impromptu occasions twice
- end result: told him I was moving out of state.. that didnt work, and finally after a year and a half of him trying to get laid, I told him I was changing my number. Problem solved!

The 2nd guy - Jason AKA Mr. Net - Clingy basket case
1.) After 1st date, texted me 1 minute after I left to say something like "Had fun! Hope I can see you again"
- emailed consistently
- talked about marriage on 2nd date
- came on way too strong
- invited me to meet his family after a couple of months of knowing him
- got really offended by my apathy towards him
- ended up sending me an email about how he wanted to "break it off" (Lol! break WHAT off?)
- months later invited me out to dinner after hearing that I was thinking of breaking up w/ current boyfriend and gave a speech about how he wanted to date me again
- end result: fuck off weirdo! ok not really, still sorta keep in contact w/ him when he sends random emails or calls randomly and tries to make himself feel better about his current gfs... whatever

3rd guy - Brian AKA The boyfriend - Guy's guy
- ugh, where do I begin!

More to come...

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