A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Monday, March 07, 2005

An actual day in the life..

A friend once told me that my blog didn't have a fitting title, since most of the stuff I talk about isn't really about my day. Well I don't have much to talk about today so how about I run through my day.. which I give you fair warning was pretty boring.

Woke up pretty early, mostly b/c max was bugging the shit out of me so I took him out to potty.

Sent some emails to my boss.

Got really pissed about the assholeness of guys after having a casual conversation with a guy friend. I told him it was really true that the hardest part about breaking up is getting back your stuff. And then I thought, wait, why? Its my shit, I deserve it back. He simply said, well guys like things to be over so to avoid backsliding they sometimes just throw your stuff away. WHAT?? MY stuff? That bastard threw away MY stuff? What right do people have? I paid for that shit... Murr.. Lesson learned. Get your shit back before you break up with someone. To which my friend responded "yup. thats usually the first sign. if they're stuff starts disappearing from your place, time to start packing your stuff too." Great...

I was asked to model again today. This time its just for a friend's girlfriend who is trying to build their portfolio. I told my friend even though he thought that I was really really pretty, I'm not that photogenic. I don't even know how to pose, I'd look retarded. Eh, I didn't convince him so maybe I'll get some free pictures out of the deal. Sounds like a fun experience at least.

Put down 1500 bones for my mcat classes. My mother made me pay for them myself so I'd feel the pain and push myself harder since I'd feel the financial loss. Well it was definetly a loss, so I really hope she's right. Come April 23rd when classes start I'll be an mcat whore!

Took max for a walk. He didnt trample any kids today so that was good.

Talked to my boss for five minutes, then booked max's boarding arrangements for when I leave on Wednesday.

Read outside while max played for a little.

Ate KFC for dinner...

Passed out for a little bit..

Talked to a friend about Michael Jackson..

Oh P.S. This is a great site! http://www.amiright.com/misheard/artist/

Eh, I'm sure some other stuff happened but thats all I can remember for now.. I'm sure you care :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ate KFC! i remember craving KFC when i was in crothers. i had a coupon. super cheap food and really good. then i went to the PETA website. you should too.

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ate KFC! i remember craving KFC when i was in crothers. i had a coupon. super cheap food and really good. then i went to the PETA website. you should too.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Kel The Younger said...

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10:43 AM  

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