A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A Whoa is Me Kind of Day

yes I know I spelled woe wrong... (i'm deep like that)
Anyway, you know those days when you feel really shitty for whatever reason, and you realize of course that life could be a lot worse. I mean, you're not a starving child in Africa, you're not on the lowest caste system in India, as a matter of fact at least 70%* of the people in the world would envy your position in life - young, full of potential, living in the US. Yet, somehow you allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself. Well I'm having one of those days.


modee00: someday you're going to meet someone worth a damn

modee00: sadly, this has yet to happen

Although there is that saying that when everything is going really well in parts of your life, its inevitable that one part is going to go to shit. Well now that I know which one has went to shit, this MCAT business should be a piece of cake ;)

*this estimate is low b/c I'm excluding the Buddhists who think your obsession with material goods isnt worth trading a peaceful life...and then there are the gazillionares who can buy happiness, at least momentarily, in the form of one little pill or the other...


Blogger Rex said...

Who are these people? You're getting spammed on your own website, G!

5:18 PM  
Blogger GyangBang said...

LOL! I know! I'm torn between leaving it up and taking it down. On one side I think people should see how ridiculous this is. On the other hand I dont want people patronizing these spamming bastards. Though I think anyone reading my blog has enough sense not to be a blog sellout :)

7:03 PM  
Blogger Kel The Younger said...

Dude, that's deep...

Guess what? There are *lots* of people who haven't met someone worth a damn! ... ...OK, f_ck that - only a tiny few of us haven't. But at least you have *some* company! People like us are sunken treasure: we're worth a fortune, but everyone is too damn lazy to look beyond their own bow and find us! But one day, we'll be raised from the depths, to shine in the sun with all our glory. Then everyone will be like, "Wow! Where did all *that* come from!?"

Yeah, life could be worse. You could be a Republican. Then you'd be rich but too dumb to spend it on anything productive! :-D

note: if I have offended any Republicans, I don't care. No, seriously, if I have, please take it out on me and not Gyangster.

8:23 PM  

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