A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New Experiment

I figure I've got a year+ to just kind of float around and try new things. What is my newest experiment? Acting as dumb as rocks but as sexy as a vixen. You might wonder what prompted this new experimental voyage. Well I was watching VH1's Most Fabulous Celebrity Wives. I learned in a half hour (that's all I watched) that most celebrity wives aren't too bright.. in an academic sense. Don't get me wrong, they were smart enough to bag the men they did, but all of them were very feminine, feisty or bubbly, and lets not forget gorgeous. So Ok, I can't have every quality these women have, but I figure their smarts comes from acting like the men in their lives are their saviors and getting psycho bitch when they need to.

And to think I thought it would pay off to be nice, intelligent, independent.. etc etc.. No! My new goal is to be bitchy, feminine, and as dumb as bricks. Oh and lets not forget, codependent. I predict having a baller on my arm in a couple months time ;-)

Him: So what do you do?
Me: You know, stuff..
Him: Where did you go to school?
Me: Oh just a school in the bay.. You look smart.
Him: Well yeah. I went to (insert UC)
Me: Ooh, only smart people go there. *giggle*
Him: That's a great dress.
Me: Yeah.. It looks much better on the floor though. *smile*
Him: Want to get married?
Me: Sure.. you know.. whatever..



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