A day in the life of the Bang

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Location: California, United States

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Better Luck Next Time

How many times have you, yes YOU :-*, decided after the end of a relationship that you would change the way you approach relationships in general? "Next time I'm not going to put out on the first date." "Next time I'm not going to be so serious." "Next time I'm going to give more blow jobs." It happens to me all the time. Its as if a relationship ends and its "Game Over" and you lose a "relationship" life, but you get to start over again. In video games you can attempt to conquer the same stage over again, but in the real world, more often than not, you do NOT get another chance at the same relationship, but you can try to do better in your next one.

I broke up with my "first official boyfriend" about a year ago next month. While I don't remember every single resolution I made for next time, I do remember a few:

1.) Be more relaxed and have more fun
2.) Don't dwell on the future, live in the here and now
3.) Stop being so DAMN cynical! Remember self-fufilling prophecies
4.) Look at a guy as a friend and not as "the enemy"
5.) Spontenaity never killed anyone.. except for those who spontaneously decided to jump off a cliff...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. If your friends are betting whether it's going to work out, it's time to rethink this guy.
2. If there's a problem, bring it up in a calm voice and a private environment, before you're screaming at each other on the lawn in front of a house party.
3. If his friends are not friendly, keep your eyes peeled for other strange behavior.
4. What kind of person finds children's museums and children's movies entertaining? A child.
5. Niceness works wonders.

10:34 AM  

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