A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Sunday, May 21, 2006

CLE 1.3 - Timing is everything

Him: Hey, come sit here.
Me: Um, why?
Him: I want to tell you something.
Me: Dude, I'm seriously hung over. If you do anything gross I'm going to yack.
Him: I'm too tired to do anything gross.
(I tentatively sit on the couch)
Me: You're not going to fart are you?
Him: No, no dutch ovens.
Me: Ok..
Him: I just wanted to say that I think you're beautiful and I love hanging out with you, and I love spending time with you. I hope that what happened between us doesn't taint anything. I just wasn't ready to have a girlfriend. I just can't right now..
Me: I understand.
Him: Its just bad timing. It wasn't meant to be right now. But there is no doubt in my mind that if I was ready I would want to be with you.
Me: Well thanks for being honest. And I understand what you mean. It's what my guy friends have explained to me anyway.
Him: Well yeah, you're gorgeous and.. well.. but.. its not like we could ever get married anyway.
Me: Why not?
Him: We argue all the time.
Me: Not about anything important.
Him: not important?
Me: Oh you mean like arguing over conservative and liberal view points. Well see I don't think we really differ there. Like I know what you think, like we're all equal and have equal opportunities and people should just work hard. People should work to better their condition, but I can't just say that and think nothing else. Like you'll be in an industry where you will work with people who will have the capital and means to do what they want. I won't be working with people like that. I can't just ignore what makes their lives hard. That way nothing will get fixed.
Him: Yeah I guess its better to have differing opinions to some extent. My parents are like that. My dad's really conservative and my mom's liberal.
Me: Yeah I guess my vision of it is different. One of my bestfriend's is engaged to a texas republican and she's a california democrat! Anyway, what else do you think wouldn't make it work?
Him: It really urks me that you don't brush your teeth before you go to bed.
Me: Are you serious???
Him: Yes! You just let all that sugar sit on your teeth all night and then you get cavities. You have to brush your teeth!
Me: Ha! Yeah I have a lot of cavities now I guess. But really, there has to be something more important than not brushing my teeth at night. What else do we not agree about, thats actually important?
Him: Eh, I guess there's nothing else really.
(I smile and take a bite of my sandwich)
Him: I had to listen to Arizona having sex yesterday.
Me: Really?? She's only been on two dates with that guy!
Him: Slut!


Mind you, this conversation was unprovoked. Even when we broke up I didn't ask him any "why's." I respected his decision and continued to do my own thing. I'm thinking that he had to hear himself say these things to feel better. Although, I'm glad he did. One thing, of many, that I've learned in this situation is that it's better to let someone go with love, rather than anger and resentment. Its a hard thing to do, but if acted angry or hostile towards my ex he never would have come out and said anything. And even worse, my hostility might have reinforced that I wasn't as great as he thought.

In other news, I really can't believe that my roommate slept w/ the guy though. This is the same guy she didn't think was that attractive and was very luke warm about. Then again, she did the same thing with Brian's friend... and her best friend is dating a married guy. NOT good times.


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