A day in the life of the Bang

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Location: California, United States

Friday, June 23, 2006

Gigglin' Idiot

Recently, at the beginning of every week I've told myself, "this is the week that I'm not going to talk to my ex." Not that I dont want to talk to him but in order for us to be friends, REAL friends, there has to be some distance between us. Having no contact with each other for a while would probably be a good way to establish this distance. But every week, for one reason or another, the silence is broken.

This week my ex called b/c his best friend's birthday is coming up and they were going to go to my ex's parents' cabin to celebrate. Ok, ok, ok. I know, bad idea going to a cabin w/ an ex where lots of drinking would probably be involved. But hey, I love hanging out w/ his best friend so it was a sacrafice I was willing to make. Oh but fate would have it that the trip would be cancelled and rescheduled. Ok whatever.

Then I noticed something; something that I guess I must have picked up before in other post move-out conversations. For whatever reason anything I say produces solid gold laughter from my ex. I could say, "my toe hurts," or "I don't have my contacts in so I can't see right now," or "You're a douche bag" and there he goes laughing away. What's so goddamn funny?? I mean I'd like to believe that my sarcasm, wit, and dry humor are so well delivered that they could make someone think I'm just hysterical, but really, I'm at least honest with myself, I aint that funny. Come to think of it another guy who laughed at whatever drivelled out of my mouth was Crazy Adam *shiver* (P.S. He's still texting me. Can you say tool to the nth degree?)

Whatever. I guess if nothing else I can at least control my side of things and stop initiating any contact. (No more 3 am phone calls followed up by bad lies) Although not contacting anyone will be quite easy since I just found out I have to take biochemistry this summer.. bummer :-/


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