A day in the life of the Bang

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Location: California, United States

Friday, March 18, 2005

St. Patty's Day Re-Cap.. P.S. Dee and I are dating

LOL! I laugh because I know some of you read the title and thought Elsie?&...Dee? Nooooo. Well you're right. We're not dating. But some people thought that we were last night, which was fun times. Anyway..

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. It's not a holiday I hold in much esteem. I mean I marched in the NYC St. Patty's Day parade when I was in high school.. I think it rained and it was extremely cold, and on every street corner were drunks and puke on the ground.. fun!

Well this year was the first year I was actually old enough to revel in celebration at a pub. So I dragged Dee to a pub in MV. We still dont know the name of the place. We wanted to go to Molly McGees, but the line was ridic! so we went to this "nameless" place instead. And to say the least it was.. interesting. For the most part, Dee got wasted after two drinks and for the first time in life I got to see him dance!!! Woohoo, Dee was shakin that thang! :-D

Besides that apparently he got awkward looks from guys who tried to dance with me but then thought we were dating. Once when he left to the bathroom this tall ass indian guy asked me to dance. I tried to resist but somehow got pulled in. OMG i thought he was going to punch me in the face! His hands were flying everywhere not to mention so was his saliva YICK!

Then there was the asian guy who was a really good dancer but him and his crew were sketch and tried to take pictures of me dancing in a sandwich (I fuckin hate people who dance in sandwiches! its the lamest thing EVER! If you still do this STOP! Its only cool when you're in junior high and you dont know how stupid you look) The only reason I didnt jump out of this sandwich nonsense quicker was b/c I didnt want to seem like a bitch. But screw that, the bitch is back.. but I digress..

So yeah, it was fun times, but I was tre disappointed that I didnt actually get to meet any REAL irish people. There were a bunch of asians, indians, white people, hispanics, a speck of black peeps but no one from the green fields of ireland.. bummer. Maybe next time I'll make more of an effort and go to a major city and check out that crowd.

Happy Belated St. Patty's Day! Thanks Dee for letting me drag you out AND dance! Woohoo, you truly made my night. ;-)


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