A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Long Day...

9-12:15 Teaching anatomy lab (I should have been done at 12 but there was a lot of material)
12:20 - 1:00 Staff meeting (I should have been done at 12:40 but I had to wait for someone to get back to their office)
1:06 - 2:15 Meeting with adviser (The meeting should have started at 1, but see above. The meeting should have lasted until 1:40 but my adviser was stuck at another hospital until 1:30)
2:30 - 3:12 Meeting with the president of CO-SIGN the undergraduate branch of SIGN. (Meeting should have ended by 3, but seeing how I was 15 minutes late b/c of my previous meeting and because there was a car accident which caused me to drive all the way around campus, I was 30 friggin minutes late for a meeting. God bless the undergrads and their open availabilities.
3:40 - 5:00 Test at designated traffic school test center. The test should have taken 20 minutes but...

So the day was long and I was running late and of course I get lost. I thought I knew where I was going but I didnt, so I pulled up the directions I had on my phone - yes driving while distracted to a traffic school test, ain't that rich. Well in my distraction I almost plowed through a red light. I say "almost" not becaused I stopped in time before the light but b/c I went half way through the red light before I had to screech to a halt to avoid hitting the car passing in front of me. I missed causing a multi-car accident by an inch. 2 cars were within an inch or two of slamming into my side. Then there were the 10 or so cars behind each car. Thank goodness for people keeping their brakes maintained.

A bit frazzled I finally find my destination. I was supposed to be there are 3:30 to take the 20 minute test but I apologize to the guy citing that I was lost. Despite the fact that the website says that tests administered at their many sites are free of charge, the guy at the packing store.. who apparently has a "Traffic Testing" station in the back tells me its $5 per 20 minute time slot. Um, ok whatever, I just need to take this stupid test for my speeding ticket citation (I also speeded on my way to the testing center... apparently the ticket taught me nothing).

After giving me a shpeal the guy goes to the back to set up the test. He eventually calls me back and I sit at the computer at 4:00 pm. He said that I had 25 minutes before the test would idle and continued to talk about other things even though my time was limited. I went through the test taking my time since I had 20 minutes and submitted the test at 4:19. To my surprise I get an error message. The software "Cannot register the test center ID." I call the guy to the back and he informs me that the message came up because I took more than 20 minutes to finish the test.

Me: No sir, I did not take more than 20 minutes, I sat here exactly at 4 pm. I submitted the test at 4:19.
Him: You can take it up with the traffic school or take the test again.
Me: I need to take the test again, but I think its unfair to charge me an extra $5 when I was not given a full 20 minutes.
Him: Well thats not my fault. It's the software the traffic school gives me.
Me: No, I would say that you are at fault here, sir. Firstly, you said I had 25 minutes.
Him: Well you have to go by what the software says. I simply charge for each time you take the test.
Me: Well I want to speak to the manager then.
Him: I am the manager.
Me: Ok then, this needs to be resolved so I can take another test. I was not given my full 20 minutes and so I should not be charged another $5.
Him: I simply charge you each time you take a test. If you want to take another test, its going to be another $5.
Me: But its not my fault that I have to take another test in the first place! I was not given my full 20 minutes. In the time it took you to call me over and talk to me about logistics, my time was running on the test. So your actions led to me not having adequate time.
Him: No, according to the test you did not finish in 20 minutes. If you don't like it you can call the traffic school or take the test elsewhere.
Me: Sir I don't have time to take this test elsewhere, I need to do it today.
Him: Well we're not going to move on to the next test until you pay for this test.
Me: But that's ridiculous! You're the cause of me not finishing the test, thus you shouldn't be able to charge me again.
Him: Ma'am it is not my fault. I am just using the software that was sent to me. You can take it up with the traffic school or take the test elsewhere.
Me: Ok Fine. I don't care anymore. I'll pay another $5 but this issue needs to be resolved first so that other customers don't have this problem. Right before you log in, you should have the customer standing next to you in order to reduce the time spent with the test running. Its unfair to the customer if they think they have 20 minutes - which by the way again you told me 25 minutes - but they actually have less than that since you pull up the test before the person gets there.
Him: Ok ma'am if you don't like how things are done here I'm going to ask that you go to another testing site.
Me: I don't have time to go to another testing site! You said that this issue had to be resolved before you open another test. I'm trying to resolve it with you but you're asking me to go!
Him: Ma'am I will call the testing site on your behalf.
Me: What?
"Manager" picks up the phone and walks OUTSIDE.
I follow the "Manager" to hear what he's saying.
"Manager" walks away so I can't be in earshot.
I say screw it and stand in the store. As he comes in -
Him: (On the phone with who knows who) Well is there something you say to customers that are "difficult." I mean its causing disruption in my store.
Him: (To me) I tried to call them to see if there is another testing site around here, but there isn't.
Me: Sir I don't even want to argue anymore. I'll pay whatever fee. Can you please just log me in.
Him: Yes, I just need your drivers license again.
Me: Fine.
(This time I walk back with him to the computer and wait until the test comes up)
(Test comes up I immediately move to the computer and try to sit down. The "Manager" slowly gets up and starts talking again.)
Me: See sir! You're talking right now. I'm trying to take this test and your talking is eating into my time!
Him: You got 20 minutes the first time. I don't know, other people manage to finish on time.
Me: Sir, you don't have to be rude to me. I go to med school, I'm not an idiot.
Him: See! That's rude!
Me: Sir What you said to me was rude. I responded in kind. In any case I am trying to finish this test.
Him: What you said was rude.
Me: Ok (distracted by the test).
(Finally finish stupid test)
Me: Sir I'm done with the test, what do I do now?
Him: You should get a prompt that says that you will receive a confirmation email.
Me: Oh, ok, thank you sir.
(I walk to the front and pull out my wallet.)
Him: No, thats OK its free of charge.
Me: Thank you sir. (I leave)

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