A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

It ain't over...

till the fat lady sings. And apparently she hasn't even begun to warm up yet. So yeah, I spoke too soon. Looks like things with Mr. Protege are still as messy as they were before a la the next texting session:

Him: "Have a good one..life that is"
Me: "Um..ok.. if anything I wasn't rude or mean on purpose.. but if that's how you feel.. have a good one too"
Him: "Cool..later"
A minute later...
Him: "Do you miss me at all?"

So now that things with Mr. Protege don't seem to be resolved as of yet.. issues w/ Jason seem to be a little more complicated. I agreed much earlier to go on a trip w/ him to So Cal but the trip got pushed to mid November.. who knows what my love life will look like by then! I can't plan that far ahead! And should I even go? Would that be leading him on?

But then I realize, screw it! I'm going to go with the flow for once and not overanalyze every single event that happens in my life. I'll be as honest as possible (without digging myself into a hole) and enjoy as much as I can of life before med school makes my life a living hell! :-/

Friday, October 21, 2005

Winning the War

Ok, so some of you might think I'm lame b/c its a Friday night and I'm blogging. That's ok. I know I have a social life and thats all that matters :) Anyway, so folks, I thought it would be best to report that yet again, I kicked the crap out of Mr. Protege. Now for once and for all I can move the HELL on! How'd this happen you ask? Well let me start off with some brief background.

Mr. Protege of course is the guy who I must have met about 6 months ago at some bar in SF. I never took it seriously and if you told me then that in 6 months I'd still be talking about him I would have called you silly. But alas.. after 2 months of back and forth talking on the phone but never meeting up b/c of stubbornness, we finally met up - at which point he became putty in my hands. That was when I won the first battle and he called spewing out all his feelings like a drunk idiot. It was amusing :) But of course, I have a life.. sometimes.. and I didn't give him 'enough' attention. More than that, when he tried to kiss me one night when he was near drunk and I was dead sober, I declined. That started the month long silent treatment on his part. Then slowly the "enemy" started to creep back into my life. But! The enemy was too insecure to really take control of the situation and be up front about anything. So we met up once at my provocation. He continued to txt, and only call after he had a "few" to drink. Finally he went in for the kill! Of course in the most wimpy way ever.. asking if I ever wanted to hook up with him.. over txt. After weeks of back and forth, I decided to make my major move... in txt.. not b/c I'm a wimp but no need to frighten the child.

Me: "R we ever going to hang out or do you enjoy pussy-footing around?"
Him: "The latter b/c you are rude and mean"
Me: "IM rude and mean? R u serious?"
Him: "Yes."
Him: "I am vulgar..not mean"
Me: "How am I mean?"
Me: "Actually, forget it. Point taken. Thanks.."
Him: "Cool"

So at first you might look at this conversation and think, how is that a victory? Well my friend, this conversation only gives pure evidence to mounting suspicions that Mr. Protege is really an insecure child who ultimately can't take someone giving him what he dishes out. I get to walk away laughing at how ridiculous this is. And he get to be annoyed (probably for only 2 seconds) about the way I treated him.

And let me clarify that I did not fight this "war" on purpose. I just refused to do anything I didnt want to do or succumb to the whims of a guy who walked around like his ish didn't stink. And in the end he gets a reality check. I think its the way of the world. We enter each others lives to teach one another a lesson or two. We can either take heed or wander about with blinders on only to end up ultimately dissatisfied with our lives b/c we never decided to grow the hell up!

Now on to bigger and better things. Like moving..again! But this time to a cleaner, more fun neighborhood, AND Max will get a dog friend to play with!

G'night folks!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Marriage what??

So I started out the weekend finally finding out my MCAT scores.. Thankfully I'll never have to take that test again. Having had that relief I was ready to spend the evening with Jason.. formally Mr. Net. I realized earlier that I wasn't giving Jason a fair chance not because I wasn't attracted to him or anything, but b/c I was still caught up with Mr. Protege.. well I'm over that now and I started liking Jason a lot more.. that is until this weekend when he left me utterly confused.

So Jason calls Saturday to give me specific details on what we were going to do. We were going to have dinner with his new "friend" who we'll call.. Kat.. and her friends.. and then we were going to go to a museum re-opening in SF. Ok sounded good to me. Jason calls later to say that he got to San Fran but got lost and so Kat was going to go pick him up.. Hm.. really? You've only known her a week or so and she's ready to drive to the other end of the city to pick you up.. hm.. ok.. whatever.

So I meet Jason, Kat, and Kat's friends at a restaraunt I'd never heard of and immediatly I dont get a good vibe. Kat's friends are dressed in t-shirts and sweats on a SATURDAY NIGHT.. that was just the girls. Then there were her guy friends, one wearing a HUGE backpack and the other just seemed artsy, which was cool. And there I was dressed in a skirt, a lacy top, my new BCBG heels and a form-fitting jacket. Uhh.. yeah.. I then realize that Kat is giving Jason the googly eyes.. AND suddenly Jason's behavior just becomes REALLY annoying in the presence of these ultra laid back chicks. Maybe annoying b/c I know he prefers the laid back look.. although I feel abercrombie laid back is more his style than sweats on a saturday night laid back.. and also annoying b/c I didnt want to talk to them for very long and he's just shooting the breeze with them as if anything interesting is being said.

Sigh, anyway. After making a half-assed attempt not to look like a complete bitch and strike up conversation with Kat and her friends I decide I can't put myself through the torture of having to deal with them for the WHOLE night.. so I zone out and start thinking of things to say to get myself out of the evening like.. "oh there was something in that crepe, I don't feel too well" or "yeah I'm tired from packing I think I'm going to call it an early night." But wait! Kat gets a call from a friend who she needs to pick up from the airport. Woohoo. Bye bye biznatch! Then after dinner we decide to all take different cars so bye bye to the "sweats on a saturday night girls."

So Jason and I get to the museum event and none of the previous friends are anywhere to be found (thank god!). The line was ass long but we ended up running into Stanford people who were pretty funny and made the wait seem a lot shorter.

We finally get into the museum and despite my initial hesitance about enjoying myself at a museum, I rediscover my love for all things beautiful yet original. At this point though I'm still really confused about the whole encounter earlier in the evening and I'm wondering if Jason just wants to be friends... But that all gets cleared up when he starts acting really affectionate and holding my hand in public despite the two zits on my chin! Ahk! I didnt know museums were so bright! Talk about feeling self concious.. :(

Anyway so I get too tired to drive back with Jason to the North bay so we decide he can just crash at my place and I could take him back in the morning. Everything seemed to be going well until this morning..

Him: So Bang, how old are you again?
Me: 21
Him: Do you ever think you'll reach an age where you feel that you should stop just floating and actually date people seriously?
Me: Um, yeah, maybe when I'm like 28 I'll start panicking if I havent found anyone by then.
Him: Yeah in my family I feel like the odd person out. Its been my brother and his wife and my mom and dad and then me for a while now. And after I've been with a girl for a while like a year or 6 months or whatever, I start to think about marriage but for all the wrong reasons... like at least I'd be married. But then again I dont believe in divorce.. so I'm really hesitant.
Me: (What the hell are you talking about? Are you trying to dump me? whats going on).. ok that was just internal monologue.. Anyway, what I ended up saying: Oh man! By no means should you try and force anything. I'm a big believer in the idea of it being right when its right, and you'll know. In the meantime you should just take your time.
Him: So you think you shouldn't force it and you should just get to know someone.
Me: Yeah. Especially if you're afraid of divorce, you shouldn't get married for the wrong reasons!
Him: Yeah.. I guess I just start to wonder if I know what love is anymore. But yeah I'm glad we're on the same page.

UUUMMM.. ok.. so now I'm totally confused. My interpretation of the conversation was that he was indirectly telling me we were currently just "floating" and that maybe he should stop dating me b/c he's getting too old to "float." My guy friends interpretation was that he feels like he might want to settle down and cant see himself dating any girl who wasnt open to the possibility of marriage.

Either way it was a round-a-bout way of saying SOMETHING.. what that something is I REALLy don't know.. but at this point I'm just so confused that I'll opt to just take things one step at a time and see where things go, without any expectations.. b/c lord knows this guy is doing a lot of thinking.. and funny enough, when it comes to guys "thinking" about anything relationship related its usually never a good sign..

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Phone Etiquette

What in the world is wrong with men today. If i'm not getting called at 3am just to say "hey," then I'm being called at 9 am for more trite information. My friend has one guy who drunk dials her ALL the time, calling 6 times in one night sometimes. Or calls her at work and is surprised when she picks up. Another guy calls about once a month to set up a date that he never really follows through with. I don't know what's going on but people need to grow up and be more considerate of my sleep! >:-O

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Don't eat food off the floor and other practical advice

So yesterday in a completely inebriated state, I decided to heat up some chicken that was left over from dinner. As I walked down the stairs Max harassed the hell out of me causing me to drop the chicken. I was wayyy to hungry to throw it out, so I decided to brush it off and eat it anyway. It didn't taste bad at all! Then this morning I woke up with an extremely soar throat.. the kind you get when you have a fever of some sort. I realized that the soar throat was caused by my body's response to me ingesting dirt from the floor! Man the things we'll do when we're drunk..and hungry.. I hope this soar throat goes away soon..

Another piece of advice that some people fail to take pertains to dating. It's probably advice you've heard before, you never thought you'd do it anyway and brushed it off. But please people, NEVER, EVER, get piss-drunk in front of someone you're just starting to date. In college it might have been cute. And on "The Real World-Austin" when Meg (name?) got really drunk, Danny took care of her and it brought them "closer together"... temporarily. But in the actual real world, where no cameras are recording you're series of debacles, getting wasted on a date with someone is sure to lower their interest in you.

Yesterday I went out with a friend that was dating this new guy. He wasn't all that new I guess, they've been on 9 dates.. Before the 10th date though he had some conversation with her that in a nutshell went - don't get your hopes up b/c I'm not sure how much I like you. Ouch! Somehow he redeemed himself enough for her to hang out with him and a group of friends and in an attempt to drown away any unpleasant feelings my friend got WASTED. Wasted to the point that we got kicked out of the bar bathroom. Wasted to the point that she was teetering all over the place in her (cute) heels and would have fallen a few times if I wasn't there to save her. And where was the new beau? He was nowhere to be found.. but thankfully his friends are a bit nicer than him and helped us get my friend back to their apartment and into bed.. with a trash can right under the bed of course.

Now I don't know where they're relationship will go after this but after last nights hijinks.. things don't look good. If anything, I'll recommend to her that she date the friend who helped her get into bed. He's quality...

Till next time.. And don't forget, dont eat food off the floor! You'll regret it in the morning :(