A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

On second thought..

So I caught the first part of VH1s Fabulous Life of Celebrity Wives and it turns out I missed a HUGE piece of the puzzle. Not only do I have to be dumb, but I have to work a shitty job! Nicholas Cage's wife is some 19 year old asian girl that worked as a waitress when he met her. The pitcher from the Mets met his wife at the strip club. No she wasnt the coat check girl. She was stripping. Apparently he pulled her aside and told her she was "too good" to be doing what she was doing. Now she gets to bask in his million dollar fortune. AAAHHH God! Why oh why was I blessed with brains and not with looks so I could live off a rich husband!!!

Life is completely unfair :(

New Experiment

I figure I've got a year+ to just kind of float around and try new things. What is my newest experiment? Acting as dumb as rocks but as sexy as a vixen. You might wonder what prompted this new experimental voyage. Well I was watching VH1's Most Fabulous Celebrity Wives. I learned in a half hour (that's all I watched) that most celebrity wives aren't too bright.. in an academic sense. Don't get me wrong, they were smart enough to bag the men they did, but all of them were very feminine, feisty or bubbly, and lets not forget gorgeous. So Ok, I can't have every quality these women have, but I figure their smarts comes from acting like the men in their lives are their saviors and getting psycho bitch when they need to.

And to think I thought it would pay off to be nice, intelligent, independent.. etc etc.. No! My new goal is to be bitchy, feminine, and as dumb as bricks. Oh and lets not forget, codependent. I predict having a baller on my arm in a couple months time ;-)

Him: So what do you do?
Me: You know, stuff..
Him: Where did you go to school?
Me: Oh just a school in the bay.. You look smart.
Him: Well yeah. I went to (insert UC)
Me: Ooh, only smart people go there. *giggle*
Him: That's a great dress.
Me: Yeah.. It looks much better on the floor though. *smile*
Him: Want to get married?
Me: Sure.. you know.. whatever..


Monday, August 29, 2005

Too Much Ego, Too Little Perspective

This one's for you Rex! Although anything said in this post will be a blanket statement that doesn't necessarily pertain to you :) Your comment reminded me of something I was thinking about.

I was shooting the breeze with some friends recently, talking about how much of a nose dive my social life took since I started studying for the MCAT. It was inevitable that the subject of Mr. Protege would come up since he was the last guy I had extended interaction with. I don't know if I was on crizack during my MCAT studies or what. But it wasn't until after talking to a friend about the whole course of events that I learned that the problem I have with relationships with the opposite sex, and I'm assuming many other people also have, is that I hardly ever look at things from another person's perspective AND my actions are dictated by how deflated or inflated my ego will become as a result of an action.

I was ready to call Mr. Protege a crazy A**hole (well i mean he kinda is regardless) b/c of his actions until my friend made me think of how my actions could have caused him to act in strange ways. Apparently, not calling someone for a week after a date is read as disinterest. Really? Also rejecting a kiss from someone is as good as rejecting them, REALLY?? Lol, this all makes sense now but trust me it didnt before. I started to think, if I tried to kiss someone and they turned away I think I'd stop the pursuit right then and there. But instead I called Mr. Protege an ass for ignoring me after the incident. Haha.. Oh WELL. You live and learn. Remember when you were a kid and if you, say, spilled something, you thought HOLY BAJOLEY! and ran away as quickly as possible. And when asked, "who spilled the apple juice?" you were sure to blame it on anything else that existed in the house that moved (i.e. the cat, your sibling, etc). Well folks, I made a mess, and I'm running away, and blaming it on.. um.. Mr. Protege :) ... and I feel more free for doing so.

But this is just an example of how problems arise in relationships. First off, people lack so much perspective it is ridiculous. Take for instance, needy women. I don't think needy women really realize how amazingly annoying they can become. I didnt even realize how annoying a needy woman could be until a needy friend came to visit. I had to drive her everywhere, I had to listen to her ramble on about anything and everything, I was her source of entertainment. After she left I realized how much guys have to put up with! Women were raised for whatever reason to believe that a guy is supposed to be there for you, to listen, understand, love you, etc. But men are HUMAN. No one wants to be the end all and be all for anyone else. Its too much PRESSURE! And as a matter of fact, it makes the person start to resent you. Women really need to get off the crack they're on and realize how much torture they are putting men through. And when the guy wants to back off and/or leave the relationship of course HE is the asshole, HE doesn't know a good thing, yada yada, yada.. Seriously.. before you start pointing fingers put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Another example is women demanding commitment from men who dont want to give it. The way society is set up, men are in the position of going after women all the time. Just because they go after a particular woman doesn't mean they want to marry her! They probably thought oh she's interesting/hot/whatever I'll go talk to her. All of a sudden she turns psycho biznatch and wants to latch onto him. AHH! Think about if this happened to you. What if the next time you picked up a baby to admire how cute it was, it latched on to your nipple, wouldnt let go, and demanded you take it home and nurture it! Ok this is totally extreme and ridiculous, but it just speaks to how a lot of us need to get better perspective on our actions. I bet you'd be gun shy about picking up another baby though ;-) !

Furthermore, you can't take more from a person than you give. For whatever reason, when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex, both men and women suffer from complete lack of respect of the needs and wants of an individual. Sure we know that we can't keep using our friends without reciprocating anything, but somehow when we interact with the opposite sex, we lose all sight of this. I'll admit that I do this a lot. I've always seen guys as a source of entertainment and therefore feel I should just get to sit back and be entertained.. apparently this is only a good idea if you're hanging out in a frat house. In the "real world" people (man or woman) don't want to be viewed as a lesser, taken for granted, used, etc.

And as far as ego goes.. I feel my friend summed it up for me: "You're going to have to realize that you're going to be smarter than anyone you date. You just have to stroke a guy's ego enough to make him think that he is in control."

While I don't agree that I'll be more intelligent than anyone I date (I hope not!) I would say that my friend has a point. The thing with a lot of women who are single and don't want to be is that their egos get in the way of asking for something they want. For me, I think, I've done a lot and seen a lot in my life, I don't need a guy to make me feel complete, to make me feel good about myself etc.. Well thats fine, but if I keep acting like I dont need anything I'm going to have to end up doing everything myself..which loses its appeal after a while.

In addition, I have to stop letting my ego dictate my actions. Usually I wont do something b/c I think a person will view it negatively and I'll be looked down upon. I'm learning though that the intent behind the act and how the act is carried out holds much more weight than the act itself. For instance you want to ask a guy out. For a lot of women, they simply wont do it b/c they feel it will make them look desparate. Well I used to think this, but learned that if you think that's how you'll come off, you WILL end up looking desparate. But if you ask with confidence without appearing like there are any strings attached to the situation, then you'll be viewed in a better light. Of course if you keep asking, no matter how confident you may think you are coming off, you'll just end up looking desparate :) But hey! Who cares? We're putting our egos aside right?

ok. i'm done rambling.. time to eh, um, pack..

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Meaning of Love.. from a cynics point of view

As far as I'm concerned most of us are living in our self created fantasy world. It's not until we've had our worlds crushed that the wool is removed from our eyes, so to speak, and we start to see the world as it really is - an environment where survival of the fittest reigns supreme. I mean no one is to blame for wanting to keep their fantasy world alive, seeing that the alternate vision is so bleak.

But I don't understand why so many people condemn what cynics have to say. To me, people who are called cynical are those that have had their fantasy worlds crushed way before the rest of us or had someone force them to do a 180 degree turn away from the fantasy culture can create - the idea of everlasting love, social responsibility, human compassion and empathy - and turn them towards what really exisits - billions of human beings living in a way that furthers their own end. Yeah, yeah, I know I sound "cynical" but blame that on my mother's never ending goal to turn my attention away from the amusement park and towards all the tragedy that really exists in the world..

In any case, I said I was going to talk about the meaning of love.. My mother thinks that a lot of people misconstrue what love actually means. To her, love is the respect for the "fun" that another person brings into our lives. The term fun can be loosely defined. One person's idea of fun does not always jive with anothers. While some might want someone who is off the wall and never makes life a dull moment, others may want intellectual stimulation from someone they consider an equal or a superior, and some may want both. Either way, love is a contract that requires that the individual receiving the love must give to their lover what the lover seeks. Thus, love is never really "unconditional" or "unselfish."

Having love defined in such a way makes the marriage/divorce dynamics in the U.S. so much more understandable. In some instances it is not possible for an individual to keep the "fun" alive. For instance in marriages with children where the woman works, she simply does not have the time and energy to be the sexy, vixen she was when she had less responsibilities. The result? She's violated the contract of love, the husband gets bored and decides that its time to move on. Or it can be the other way around. The husband gets fat, lazy, and uninteresting and the wife no longer wants to invest effort into trying to get him to be the person she originally thought would be her source of love and excitement, and she too decides to move on. This kind of thing happens in short-, medium-, and long-term relationships ALL the time.

My mother isn't completely cynical about love. She doesn't believe that it always eventually dies. Love can grow, but only if you work at it. Once you've gotten to know someone extremely well whatever it was that made you love them starts to fade.. the "fun" hits a lull. This is where each individual has to decide whether the other is worth investing the time and effort into in order to keep the relationship alive.

While some may think, "hey, I never thought love was unconditional in the first place" some fail to see all the cynism involved in this definition of love. In this definition of love the cynical aspect comes in when we realize that nothing is forever and life must run its course. Just because a person promises you something today does not mean they will keep that promise at a later date - no matter how grand the promise was in the first place. Although many might want to hold on to the idea of everlasting love, love for most is in a sense ephemeral. All we can do is hope that it lasts, but in the likely event that it does not, we can just hope that we have the strength to let go and move on. But everyone wants to believe that their love is unbreakable and will be the exception. Ha! Good luck to ya. Everything in life changes, the seasons, the alignment of the planets, your favorite kind of food. All you can really do is not get so caught up in your own fantasy that when your world does come a crashing down (haha, sorry I just cant help myself) you'll be able to pick up the pieces. (Note: The reason your world crashes doesn't always revolve around partners losing interest, it can also be due to other stuff like illness, or death..)

All this said, I realize that I can no longer be the type to be swept off my feet by a guy and become completely absorbed in a fantasy. I feel most women are like leaves swept up in a whirlwind by a guy. But winds, like love, are not everlasting, so eventually the leaf returns to the earth. Me? I'm like a dead weight. LOL It would take a strong wind to move me an inch, let alone lift me off the ground. Maybe a hurricane can have such an effect.. but then again, hurricanes leave devastating damage.. haha.. oh what a love life I lead.

Putting silly metaphors aside in a way I'm disappointed with my cynicism. I see girls get so carried away and euphoric with the stuff they're boyfriends tell them. And in my head I usually just laugh b/c I know what the boyfriend's after and realize he's a damn crafty son of a gun in getting it. I want to be swept away! Buuut that wont happen. Instead I'll just laugh at everything a guy tells me, genuine or otherwise. But hey, maybe I'll meet a guy who thinks just the way I do and our contract of love will be grounded in the fact that we both have made the 180 degree turn, see the world for what it is, and somehow are still able to have "fun" with one another.. even if it's just for a moment...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Desperatation or just for fun?

A certain friend (EHEM) finally convinced me to put up a profile on Match.com. At first I thought it would just be some fun thing to do since I'll be new to San Francisco. But now I'm wondering if its just sad. I know I know online dating is pretty much a standard these days but I remember making fun of a few people for using myspace to get dates and what am I doing now?? Well the thing is I dont really want dates.. I want friends.. So should I sign up on friendster too? But what if guys I've blown off see me and laugh?? Haha! She blew me off now she's resorting to online dating.. lol.. or maybe I'm taking this all too seriously and need to go back to my "this is fun and entertaining attitude." I don't know.. the verdict is still out I guess..

Sunday, August 21, 2005

You attract who you are

I've heard enough people say this that I started evaluating this statement a while back, and overall I must say it is REALLY true. Why did I keep attracting the player/commitmentphobes? Gasp! Maybe b/c I was/am one myself! But its not only that, its also probably b/c birds of a feather flock together. If you go to a party, you're going to run into other people who love to party, go to a journal club.. etc. So in my lame attempt to give advice for the day, "Be that which you desire."

Moving on to other things, I went out last night! Woohoo. For the first time in MONTHS I was able to let loose once again. So what happened? Well after walking about 4 city blocks in the ASS cold I walked up to the bouncer and realized i did NOT have my ID. Ha! How could this be?? I knew I put it in my bag. So a friend's guy friend ended up walking me back to the car and lo and behold I had dropped it in the front seat. So dumb! THEN my shoe strap broke. LOL, this was shaping up to be a great night.

Great? Not so much. Entertaining? Yes

(I'll stop numbering the guys b/c I don't know which number I'm supposed to be on, so they'll only have names)

Mr. Abercrombie

Oh sigh. This was a great chance meeting. Sitting at one of the booths at a dance bar a guy walks by and a friend says, "Ha! I totally went to college with that guy!" I'm like really? She's like yeah, and freshman year he tried to use some line on me like "Hey, I've got a lot of condoms." Ha! He was pretty cute so I told her it would be really funny if I went up to him, told him that I went to the same school, and that I had a huge crush on him. Of course my friend egged me on. So I eventually did it. Except I'm such a bad liar that I didnt get enough facts from my friend. So I went up to him and told him I had a crush on him for the longest time yada yada and then he asked what dorm I lived in. Whoops! At that point I laughed and just confessed that I was talking to him as a joke. I was going to walk away but then he just continued the conversation.

Oh and what a gem he was..ha! Most memorable lines from Mr. Abercrombie "I'm glad you're here b/c the people here are kinda ugly." "Save me from the ugly girls!" "Yeah I don't date white girls so much. Its like dating a sister or a cousin, you know?" (Lol, I don't know)

I thought some of his comments about people were a little harsh until I found out that OH he used to be a manager at A&F until he was fired for making an inappropriate joke. Ha!

So we chatted a bit outside. He said he wanted to be a lawyer and how his specialty was going to be shmoozing with the jurors so he could win his case (Sound like a catch yet?) Then it came up again that he had NO game during his freshman year if his best line involved telling a girl how many condoms he had. He replied that to him freshman year of college just seemed like a candy store when it came to women so he was just trying to get laid (I bet you really love him now) and that after that he just had girlfriend, after girlfriend.... after girlfriend. LOL I love that guys feel free to tell me this stuff, but then I wonder if it ever occurs to them that saying such things kind of takes them out of the running with me.

But then it got OH so much better. Not only is Mr. Abercrombie jewish but he ALSO wants to do comedy on the side. AAAHHH not another flahshback! No no no thanks! Been there done that..

All in all though Mr. Abercrombie was fun to hang out with. And I realized sadly, that we were similar in a lot of ways (you attract what you are yes?).

So yeah, a fun night out on the town. Although I can see myself getting pretty bored of this pretty quickly.. we'll see.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Muchas Gracias a mis amigos

Hola! Alright I'll stop with the crappy spanish. But I just had to comment on how much I've been supported in my Mcat endeavors. I mean my boss gave me the week off, my roommate and another good friend made me an "Mcat day" package, family and friends have emailed/imed me saying "Good luck! You can do it!," the Prime Minister of England wants to take me out to tea and crumpets when I'm done... ok.. I made that last part up. I did receive calls from a friend in the UK though.. just not the prime minister..

But I really do feel lucky to have such good friends, family, and colleagues who care and wish the best for me. Anytime I get superficial or catty, I'll remember these days.. the time I was a heinous biznatch, the time I cut off all contact from the world, the time I looked a hot mess every day for 3 months, family life sucked, studying sucked, and yet, when I re-emerged yeah maybe a person or two wanted to give me their 2 cents, but for the most part everyone was supportive.

So thanks guys, you rock beyond belief. :)


Now hopefully I dont crash and die on the way to my test - no seriously I had to get my front wheels replaced and I'm all paranoid..



Sunday, August 14, 2005

I'll Admit Something Else

I just remembered something COMPLETELY gross today. As a kid (I think I stopped around the age of 8) I used to pick my nose. Not only that, I used to eat my boogers! EEEEEEEEEWWWWW! What in the HELL was I THINKING?? Now I see kids do it and it TOTALLY grosses me out. Well I guess I learned early on how to gain sustenance from nothing. It's how I keep my girlish figure.

Again, Ew.

Friday, August 12, 2005


My current project for work is to write a paper on the economic burden of alcohole abuse and dependence. I'm annoyed b/c I have to use my brain to do other things besides studying for the MCAT but a friend pointed out that her task at work was to match codes on an excel sheet all day. I guess writing a paper is "more interesting" but still not something I want to be doing right now.

ANYWAY, so in learning all these statistics of the problems that alcohol abuse and dependence bring (yes abuse is different from dependence..murr) I thought, oh how sad. I wish these people could just get there lives together. Kind of how I look at smokers. I mean doesn't it seem a little silly to them that they have to all huddle near a building when its ass cold outside and raining just so they can get a few puffs of a cig?

Then I thought hey! I'll have to take responsibility for my addictions too. So with my head in my hands I must admit that I, the Bang, am addicted to swedish fish. Yes! It's true! At my current rate I'm eating about one pack a day! How gross! I just can't stop myself, even though I know if I continue I'm going to give myself diabetes! Not only that but I get these huge headaches from the sugar rush. But I can't stop! I have to satisfy the craving... Man, having an addiction is HARD. Thank god mine is only to candy. Although now I know NEVER to use illicit drugs as I might just develop a craving for them too..

So for those of you who look down on addicts, be kind. It's not our faults. We've tried to break the cycle on our own, but we just can't. We need you to be understanding and helpful instead of condescending and hateful. I'll be checking myself into a rehab clinic on the 1st of never.. :)


Thursday, August 11, 2005

A Crude Male Dating Schema

Yes, I know I'm about to make sweeping generalizations.. But that's what I'm good at so I'll keep keeping on. The schema I am about to present is based on countless interviews with male peers, observations, and research (i.e. I'm pulling this out my ass.. but we'll pretend I'm not).

It's no surprise to anyone that has been dating in their 20's that men act differently at different ages. It's the reason I refuse to date men in their 30s; mostly out of fear that after the 2nd date they'll be making wedding plans. Its also a reason why I sorta refuse to "seriously" date men under the age of 26. Don't want to form sticky bonds to someone that's just going to find some lame excuse to dump my ass after a while. (Anyway) I don't know what it feels like to be a man.. and I'm glad I don't. I'd much rather be ruled by emotions (although I'm not) than a penis. But hey that's just me. But through some observations I think this is what the male psyche looks like in terms of dating at different ages. AGAIN this doesn't apply to EVERYONE. There are always the 10% outliers on either side.

Age: 16-18; Theme: Hopeless Romantics; Description: Boys at this age swear they are looking for "the one." There is some special lady out there just for them. Sure they'll have sex with the skanks, but when this special lady comes along, life will be A.Ok. Conversely, "the
one" could just be any girl that lets him touch her boobs.

Age: 18-21; Theme: Hopeless Romantics Take II/The budding player; Description: I'm firmly convinced that there are two kinds of men - those who want sex within the context of a relationship, and those who want sex without a relationship. Either guy can go either way, but usually sticks to one game plan. College relationships are based on the preference of the guy. For some guys it might even be a cost/benefit analysis (conciously or subconciously). How do I maximize the amount of sex I get? I could get into a relationship and get guaranteed sex on a regular basis... or do I want to leave it up to chance on the weekends and hope that I can bang a new chick every weekend? Hm... They start to think. So a guy makes his mind up one way or the other and goes with it. And I'm also convinced that all those "lonely soul" guys, you know the ones i'm talking about always saying they want to be in a solid relationship, are only pouting b/c they're not getting sex on a regular basis.. period. Either way, come graduation, whatever fantasy he was entertaining is OVER. Unless someone's knocked up and he has to pay the price.

Age: 22-23; Theme: Gray Area; Description: Ahh, so a young man just graduates from college. What next? He's going to the superbowl! Maybe.. But that's neither here or there. Once graduating from college a guy may still be looking for a job or landed a sweet ass job paying him way more than he needs. Either way, these guys may still be reeling from the disappointments that came out of college. Either they didn't get the girlfriend they wanted and feel they might want one now. Or they broke up with the girlfriend they swore was "the one." Or they were a playa playa and got what they wanted.. no need to change pace if this was the outcome. But for the rest of the disappointed, the hurt from whatever bandaid was ripped off when they graduated is still there and might be their motivation for thinking that they really want a serious girlfriend. But then a funny thing happens. All of a sudden a guy starts to breath the air of freedom. Oh wonderous FREEDOM what did I do to deserve thee?? A guy will feel this freedom to different degrees. Is he making money out the ass and living away from the folks? Oh yeah, he's loving it. Was his mother always nagging him all through life and now he realizes that he can go days without having to talk to her? Oh yeah, he's loving it. He can do what he wants, when he wants, and he answers to no one.. except the bill collectors. This realization is what leads men into the next stage....

Age: 24-26; Theme: Screw 'em and dump 'em; Description: Ahh yes. This is the meat of it all. The time where most men are sewing those OATS! The difference comes in terms of how they choose to sew those oats. Like I said some guys like sex without the strings of a relationship. These guys will hit on any pretty thing that moves, get some sweet lovin and BOUNCE. Then there are the guys who like the relationship aspect b/c they're emotionally needy. Oh these guys can be the worst because they'll lull their prey in with promises of something deep and committed. And then after great sex and good times, its time to dump the prey at the side of the road and move on to greener pasteurs. It doesn't matter how long you've been together a month, a few months, 6 months, a year! If the guy feels he still has some fertile land he needs to investigate, he'll eventually be out of there and break up with you with some "it's not you its me" speech. And it really isn't you.. it really is him.. and his need to be with as many women as he possibly can before lockdown mode (i.e. marriage) begins. I'll even say that men at the tail end of this period are THE WORST to deal with. At least when they're really young they'll probably make no bones about wanting to just have fun. The older ones though, they're racing against an imaginary clock. They told themselves they were going to be married at so and so age.. leaving them a year or less to be free and crazy. These men might resort to any tactics to get the poontang. BEWARE.

Age: 26-28; Theme: Back to searching for the one; Description: With X amount of notches on his belt, and with years of experience with women in the "real world" a guy starts to wonder, is this all there is? Yeah the wild nights of partying and hooking up were fun but he needs something more. He wants to have babies! You don't want to have babies with just anyone! And hopefully he was careful enough in those earlier years to ensure that he didn't have any illegitamate kids. But as a guy friend described it to me, its like a "click" in a guy's head. A click that makes him think "me want to marry...now!" If the guy isn't very discerning he might marry anything that looks decent and is nice. Or when it comes to dating he'll at least stop trying to get sex on the first night with every woman he dates.. He'll take things slower, get to know the person.. etc etc.. And, if he's not suffering from any psychobabble problem (i.e. commitmentphobia) he'll get MURRRIED! Especially since a lot of family might start asking when he plans on settling down if he's not married after the age of 28, he might make the big push to get married at least before he's 35.

And that folks is my Crude male Dating Schema pulled out of my ass. Although I must say, having talked to enough guy friends I'm pretty sure it hold some water.. whether its a millimeter or a gallon is a different story :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Why I'll Never Get Married

Today I watched Oprah at my mom's request. The show was based around Oprah interviewing 7 men who talked about cheating - why they did it, how they lied etc... More than the cheating, they made marriage sound SOOOOO GODDAMN BORING! What a DRAAAG. Also! The general consensus is that even if the woman is damn near perfect, the men found a reason to cheat anyway! And while I realize that in this day an age monogamy is a hard thing to maintain with men and women mixed in the working world etc.. its just more bullshit in life I don't want to deal with. What made me even MORE sure of my decision (for now anyway :) ) was the commercial that came on during the episode, a clip of Oprah interviewing Maria Shriver who when Oprah asked "Who mouths off to Arnold (Schwarzenwhatever) in the house?," said "I mouth off to him!" What friggin ever biatch! Lets not forget the time on your birthday when he threw a cake in your face in front of everyone and laughed at you! And the eating disorders he caused you to have. Good grief! The institution of marriage these days is broken, disgusting, and gives me the creeps. And I'm becoming way too cynical about life to think that it's going to be any different for me.

With that said, I've decided that Angelina Jolie is my role model. Instead of getting married I'll adopt adorable babies and dress them in the latest baby fashions :)

I want to be a doctor anyway so it aint like I got time for this family nonsense.. maybe that's sad too. No se.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Movies make for bad dates

I don't understand how dating and going to the movies go hand and hand.. at least in the beginning anyway. When you're getting to know someone, how does sitting in a dark theater staring at a screen facilitate the process? It doesn't.. unless you're trying to get to know them in the biblical sense. In that case you can find a seat in the way back and get your freak on to your heart's content. I don't necessarily recommend it though. If you've had the thought, then clearly there have been people who have done it. And as I can remember from a episode of Oprah a LONG time ago, they sampled seats in movie theaters and found FECAL MATTER and FEMALE DISCHARGE. Need I say more? Didn't thinks so.

Anyway, yesterday I went to see Wedding Crashers with Mr. Protege. It was a little impromptu. I was looking for places to live in SF and thought I'd check up on him after his 3 am wake up call.. oh how I've missed those.. or not.

In any case, he suggested we go see a movie, and being too tired to come up with anything better I went along. We both thought the movie was hilarious, but by the end of it I was just more tired and really hungry. In other words, I wasn't in the best of moods. Consequently when the topic of me moving to the city came up, instead of me sounding excited I just kept harping on the fact that I'd have to move my shit ALL over again.. So I probably didn't leave him with the best impression.. although, do I care? (Ok maybe just a teeny bit).

Either way, I feel like movie going should be reserved for couples that have been together so long they bore each other to death. That way they can still be doing something together that doesn't require them to be creative. Other than that, going to the movies is a bad date idea, no matter how good the movie is. Although some may argue that if it's a good movie you have a lot to talk about later.. again.. this is only if you have nothing else to say in the first place.

And if you insist on going to a movie, don't go to one with hot women in it. Studies show that after watching a movie with attractive women in it, men rate their dates as being less attractive. Lol... i'm not kidding.

A better idea? Well I can't figure everything out. Although getting ice cream and hanging out would have been more fun..