A day in the life of the Bang

I'm too lazy to look up evidence to support my ideas. But anyone can find evidence for anything. So why even bother? :-)

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Location: California, United States

Monday, September 27, 2004

The Small Stuff

So a funny thing happened on the way to a party last night. So to make a long story short, my housemate has a great dane that she was providing a foster home for. Last night some friends came over to see my room and somehow the dog got loose and left the house. None of us noticed this as I locked the door and left for a house warming party. When I wake up the next morning there is a note in my stairwell asking me to call my housemate. I get back upstairs and check my cellphone, 5 missed calls! I listen to the message and get anxious as my housemate tells me that shes back home and doesn't see the dog anywhere. I called my friends to try to piece together what might have happened. We finally figure that the dog must have left in the 5 minutes we were upstairs and the dog wasnt. I call her to tell her this, she doesnt pick up, I leave a message explaining.

She calls me back about an hour later as I'm downstairs with the door open just in case the dog comes back. She tells me that someone found the dog and called the old owner and they contacted her. She talks about how if the dog would have done anything she would have been liable yada yada and pretty much tells me in a nut shell that I might not be mature enough to live in a house where I need to care about other people's things. She said that it would probably be best if I found something more suitable for my situtation and that she would give me a month to look.. so politely asking me to leave.

At first I thought it was a reasonable request.. sorta. It was retarded of me not to be more careful about the dog and the fact that I really didnt care about it, probably indicates that I'm not cut out for house living. She was right. I was still used to dorm living where all you care about is the stuff in your room.

But then I thought again. If I were living with a friend, I'd probably care about their stuff. I'd probably make sure to lock up their stuff. I'd probably feel so horrible I would want to die if one of their pets went missing because I made a MISTAKE, a simple ACCIDENT. And even if it could have happened to ANYBODY I would have still felt really bad. So maybe the problem is that she is asking way to much of me. I don't know her and she doesnt know me and thats the bottom line. No matter who lives with you, if you don't know each other, its going to take a while for the other person to even give a damn about anything of yours and I consider myself a pretty considerate person. And for her to tell me that she has thought about it for a long time, when clearly shes still mad and talked to a bunch of friends looking for housing, is retarded. She also wants to practically redo the whole downstairs where she lives, and the landlord is paying for it! Which makes me wonder. Hes an old man, she's a young woman. I wonder if she even pays rent.

In any case, I'll stop speculating. It's funny b/c I actually wanted to move out after 3 months. I liked the idea of either going back to NY and living rent free or living with FRIENDS in the area. I think this is a good thing. It is going to SUCK trying to find a new place AGAIN. But at the same time.. it'll be much better this way. I think I'm going to live with Marisa if everything works out. We could throw parties and such. Not feel that we have to make conversation with the other because the other feels that the other is being antisocial. WHATEVER! Sigh..

It's funny because I've broken 2 nails in one week, my puppy breathes funny ($$$), I lost my roommates dog, my boss ripped me a semi-new one, and I have to find a place to live, yet I'm not sad or angry. I figure with all the things I've been through in life, I alreadt know "shit happens!" The best thing you can do is get the hell up and keep on truckin. It gets easier after a while. And not everything is easy to recover from.. but once you sort out what the big stuff and the little stuff is, you eventully stop sweating the small stuff..hm I think that was a book :)

Saturday, September 25, 2004

The Loser Bitch

Bitch: Person with an abrasive personality that demands a lot of people and life

Loser Bitch: Someone who continuously pisses off friends due to their abrasive personality and their bitterness.

Do any of these descriptions even sound like you? They might or might not. The point is that their is a very subtle difference between the two types of people. Bitches, as annoying as they might be add something to the world. They call people out when others would not imagine such a thing. They make people sit straight and recognize that they suck at life. A lot of people need to be told that they are doing a bad job at something (i.e. living, dressing, work) so they can improve. Of course their regular friend's aren't going to be harsh. So these people need a Bitch to set them straight. The Bitch will target anyone if they are doing a poor job.

But along with the Bitch their are people who call people out but for another reason. The Loser Bitch calls people out or acts in an abrasive manner because she or he is bitter about some aspect of her life. So the Loser Bitch will call people out to make herself feel better, briefly, before they go home and realize how sad they really are. The Loser Bitch targets just about everyone but especially those that she believes are better off in some way - better looking, smarter, etc.

While the Bitch can make a good friend - she calls you out when you need it - the Loser Btich should not be tolerated. The Loser Bitch may call you out but not because they genuinely cares as much as they feel inadequate about something in their own life. The calling out benefits them, not you. Calling you out makes the Loser Bitch feel better about themselves.

The other thing about the Loser Bitch is that they are often hated within their friend circle. Their friends constantly talk behind the LB's back and bond on how much of a Loser Bitch the LB is. The LB may eventually become saavy to this ridicule and take action. This of course further annoys the friend group since it is never fun when a loser fights back, bitch or no bitch. It is not empowering when the LB fights back mostly because they will just find more people to hate on.

There is nothing much you can say or do to a genuine Bitch. In fact you shouldn't do much of anything. Although if you are sensitive you may want to at least mention this to the Bitch. They probably won't care but at least when they recieve the bitch slap they deserve they won't be too suprised.

The Loser Bitch on the other hand can benefit from being told that they are an LB. This may make the LB rethink how they interact with others and tone down their bitterness. You might suggest they take a yoga class or start drinking green tea to remove their loserness.

Don't feel too bad if you suspect yourself of being a LB. I was one. Senior year in high school I was a MAJOR LB. I hated high school, I hated the social scene, and I let everyone know it. I thought I was doing a service to people by telling them how stupid I thought they were or acted. I finally realized that I was mainly a LB because I felt I did not fit in. It made me feel better about myself to put people down. It made me feel smarter. Until I realized that I was trying to live above my age. I was looking at high schoolers as retards who needed to realize that there was much more in the world than social cliques and politics of high school clubs. I finally came to understand one day that always trying to live above your social scene is exhausting and unfufilling. You might gain joy from thinking others are clueless and inferior, but in reallity, they're having a blast with life and you are not. You'll get older, its inevitable. So enjoy your situation while it lasts. Live with the good in life and also recognize the bad. No one should as any kind of bitch to conform. But one can ask a bitch to stop being a bitter old hag.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

An Ode to the Stanford Man

Ok. So I admittedly have graduated from Stanford University. So some may ask, why in the world would I care about Stanford men. Well, my decision to stay in the area because of job opportunities and pure laziness about moving back across the country has left me half way in and half way outside of the infamous Stanford bubble. So long story short, I still run into them, some have graduated some have not.

I don't want to pigeon hole ALL Stanford guys so I'll acknowledge the different types. I can't get everyone, just the one's I've had experience with. Today I'll describe the most recent type I've bumped in to -

Stanford Guy A: The Socially Awkward Poser

The Socially Awkward Poser SEEMs like he knows what's going on. Around his friends he's lively and social. He doesn't do anything that makes him seem overtly strange. Until YOU try to talk to him. Then all hell breaks loose. All of a sudden he doesn't know the rules of social etiquette. From saying inappropriate things to down right ignoring you, the SAP doesn't quite know how to apparopriately interact with every type of girl.

I would like to think that I'm so hot I make men lose all types of sense. But there are hotter women so this isn't particularly the case. So in general, the SAP seems like he is normal in his comfort zone, but beware, he'll treat you like crap, or even better, ignore you. Until one day when he gets really drunk and confesses the huge crush he has on you.

It happened to me! There was a guy Peter*. Peter never acknowledged my presence when we were in the same room. Even when I would try to interact with him directly, saying things like "Oh that's hilarious. Where did you get that from?" Peter looked at me and turned away, ignoring me. I didn't understand but I just kept out of his way whenever we crossed paths. Until one day Peter got trashed and told me how hot he thought I was and how he wanted my number. As I tell this story I realize that Peter wasn't the only Stanford boy who had done this to me. There were at least 2 others.

Sigh. Don't let the SAP ruin your life! I don't exactly suggest confronting the SAP b/c maybe he isn't a SAP at all. Maybe your very existence annoys him for some reason and that is why he is mean or ignores you. Maybe the better solution is to get him ridiculously trashed one Friday night and see what happens.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

It's all a haze..

Today was one big haze! I went to work to help a fellow Chi-O at work. That was from 10 - 5. I was supposed to go to Ikea to get furniture for my new place. I got a call from this woman from a company I don't really want to work for. One of my new roommates called to tell me there was a huge dog in the house that was waiting to be adopted. Then my mom called and sighed really loudly. I knew it was about my brother but I was at work and called her later.

From work I went to the conference office because I had a package. It was Maxie's new classy bag! He has to get used to it. Anyway, from there I went to dinner with two friends. Then I went to go pick up Nita from the airport! She had been in Chicago for a week and a half! I missed her soo much! Of course my family brought down my mood

I got a call whiel I was fueling my car, from my brother who was saying something about giving me his stuff because he's dropping out of college. AHHHH. I told him not to go to a historically black college! They have NO money! And they're ghetto! No way he was going to survive. Ugh. I mean I talked to my mom earlier and she said something about him claiming about dropping out but I thought it was just him talking nonsense again. Anyway, to make a long story short it took me an hour (all done while picking up my friend from the airport) to convince his ridiculous ass not to drop out and to talk my mother into not wanting to stab him in the eye for annoying the crap out of her. Sigh.. The drama never ends.

In then end, I never got to go to Ikea or do any of the work for my research job that I was planning to do. Actually I'll start some of that before i go to bed.

On the plus side Sony is sending my repaired laptop back! I hope I dont have to pay for it. That would suck! Phew its time for me to move for good. Maybe my new place will keep me centered since its much more quiet than a college dorm.


Monday, September 13, 2004

A Lesson from my puppy

Maxie taught me a lot today. Today I was at work at the conference office and Maximus kept running up to people that passed by, sniffing their feet and following them. I kept having to run up after him and bring him back. The crazy thing is he would get mad and try to bite me! And I'm like fool I feed you! But then, the office manager had these doggie biscuits and gave Max one. He sat down until he was completely finished eating the biscuit. And that took him forever b/c he currently only has four teeth. The biscuit was so good to him he didn't run after anyone. Just sitting there with his biscuit. After he was done he sat there for a little while, and sure enough started running after people again. What was the lesson from this?

- Guys are like dogs (yes this is cliche but SO true). They like to roam around, from new girl to new girl. Until they find one they think is perfect (i.e. Max's biscuit). They swear she's the one and that life could get no better. But eventually, the dream fades, all is gone. The guy/dog starts to itch for something new once again. And sure enough before you know it, they're back to their old bag, chasin tail.

Thanks Maxie. You've taught me so much ;-)

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Good Times

Oooh. This is my first post. Peetie told me that this is the place to be since you can customize a lot of things. I'm excited! No I'm not. I'm tired. Laterz.