This is going to be a looong blog.. I have so much to catch up on and so much time to do it (currently in a hotel in phoenix "on business" - ack! i love saying that) so this is going to be a long ass blog. But! I will label each section so you can browse at your leisure. Just be sure to list the section you are commenting about in the comments section ;-)
On BusinessLike I said i'm in Phoenix. I got flown out here for a national advisory board meeting. I must say the privilege of being amidst some of the brightest managed care industry leaders was amazing in and of itself. But on top of all of this, not only is the trip free to me, but I get to stay at the Royal Palms hotel. This place is BEAUTIFUL. I walked into my room and instantly wished I had a camera. I have a California King Canopy bed, a remote controlled fire place, my own private balcony, not to mention the option of lounging around the heated pool. I resolved to make the best of my trip and soak up all the decadence as it may be a while before I get to experience life like this again. So on friday evening I had dinner with internal members of the company my company is consulting for. We had a waitress bring us appetizers already placed on forks and spoons and introduce each one so elegantly. "Would you like to try the Morrocan spiced lamb, garnished with red onions?" Man I usually hate lamb but I went for it and it was DELISH! I also had the Ahi Tuna which was awesome, despite the fact that I usually am not a fan of fish. Everyone at the table ordered an Irish Coffee before I got there, so I orderd the same. Except no one in the company thought I was of age.. apparently I do look like a teenager.. to people who dont know me at least. Today was the big meeting. I spent most of my time whacking at the keyboard trying to take notes and keep up with everything the group was saying. I was exhausted afterwards so my boss relieved me of any other activity for the night (Awesome!). I took the time to try something out and pretty much payed $40 to be taken to the Biltmore Mall in Phoenix and come back 2 hours later when I realized I really shouldn't be shopping.. I bought some great stuff anyway :) To further indulge, for dinner I ordered lobster! My dinner ended up coming up to 65 bucks! And its all freee! Life is wonderful! :) Alas, this all ends tomorrow when I fly back to Palo Alto in the afternoon where I have to deal with cleaning the carpet that my dog puked all over the night before I left :-/
POAI stole this from Miguella but, for those of you who do not know, POA stands for Plan of Action. So over the summer, Mig and I, faced with the annoyance of living truly boring lives, decided to come up with a plan to "get a life." The plans were updated each week and included reading books, talking to random people, going to the gym (which I never did) and other lame stuff like that. Well, we have again realized that our lives are turning into boring mush so we have devised another POA, a much funkier POA. At first the goal of the POA was to "get a new boyfriend." But after thinking about it for 5 seconds we figured, thats such a restrictive goal, we should just plan to increase the fun in our lives. So fun it is.. Although I think Mig is still on the bf plan so maybe its a mixture of "Find a bf/husband/fun" Sounds good to me. So I think our ongoing plan is to talk to 2 potential guys a week. Like I said, men are good for endless entertainment so why not use this to our fun advantage. Another plan is to go to the gym twice a week. Ehem, yeah, Mig is all over this. I on the other hand may pass by a gym twice a week but there is no way in hell I'd be in one :) And another plan is to... wait, I think we just have two.. hm not much of a POA huh? Ok I'll have to discuss this with her in more detail but more to come :)
My Future Husband/Potential #1OK so if you're breathing right now, I've probably purported that I have met my future husband.. no seriously.. ok not seriously, but I can dream can't I? Taking full advantage of my single status, and trying to shake the dust off of my once vibrant personality (ok it wasnt
that vibrant but whatevs) I decided to go to happy hour and then to a cardinal young alumni pub night with my friend Lori. Lori and I werent quite sure when happy hour started or ended but we got there around 7:30. Apparently that was NOT the happiest hour. So we just got a drink from a bar in downtown PA, chatted for a bit, then headed to pub night. When we first got there, there was hardly
anyone there. But dedicated to the goal of having fun we both stayed, and it paid off! More and more people trickled in and soon the dance floor was packed. A friend of mine knew these two guys so we ended up dancing with them most of the night. They turned out to be law students but were sooo much fun! I thought one in particular was kind of cute but he wasn't making any weird advances so I didn't think much of it. While standing off of the dance floor waiting for Lori to get back from the bathroom, my future husband :) walks by, then walks by again but this time starts to talk to me. We laugh for a bit and he tells me to "come find him on the dance floor." Whateva! I don't go lookin for nooobody. Anywho after he disappears, a minute later it clicks! OMG! This is sooo strange! Just the other day I was saying to a friend if I really wanted to get married I should just date guys 25+, preferably a lawyer, and someone making good money. And all of a sudden, this guy fit the bill. Perfectly! Almost too perfectly... Anyway I was getting really tired and was planning on leaving. Lori agreed to ride in my car after our other friend disappeared and so I reminded her to close her tab. When she left again the guy passed me twice, again the second time he stopped to talk. Again he said that I should dance and I took the offer when he took my hand and didnt do the lame "come find me" thing. We danced for a little while, my friends ended up leaving, but I was having so much fun! But then eventually, as always, the music got lame and I had to leave. And then the awkwardness began. "Ok, I'm going to go." "oh, ok. well it was nice meeting you." "It was nice meeting you too." pause.. "you're working tomorrow?" "Yeah i'm heading to phoenix for a meeting." "oh ok. you said you live in the area?" "Yeah." "we should hang out sometime" "Yeah!" pause... hm he's not asking for my number.. crap.. how are we going to hang out if he doesnt have my number? hm, i guess he just said that to be nice :( screw it, i'm giving him my number anyway. "Do you have a cell phone?" "yeah" pulls it out "what's your number?" somehow i forget my number..lame.. but then remember it. Alright I'm off. As I walk to my car I would have been floating on cloud 9, but my cynical side would only let me float on cloud 8... well better than nothing eh?
My hapiness was short lived when I spent part of my day at a borders in phoenix reading about dating (i was bored!) and one book said that women get more attractive at the end of the night. A woman rated a 6 at 7:00 pm at a bar is rated an 8.5 at the end of the night.. he didnt "ask" for my phone number until close to midnight! Oh no! He wouldnt have asked otherwise. Then I read another book thats said NEVER offer your number to a guy. HE has to ask for it. Crap! I screwed up. Oh well.. he'll probably never call. But at least I can tell myself that he wasn't as tall as my ideal and he.... hm, I guess thats it. Oh and he's probably a player, so who really wants to deal with that? Well at least I'll have him in my dreams.. until I forget what he looks like :)
ok i'm done. thanks for reading! Latahz